The Best U.S. Cities for App Developers

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Best US Cities for App Developers

In 2018, 77% of Americans own a smartphone, compared to just 35% in 2011. We use our smartphones for everything, relying on apps for nearly every activity. As apps grow in popularity, so does the need for app developers, one of the fastest growing job fields in America.

Attention, app developers. Where do you think of when you think about careers in the tech sector? If you’re like so many, the Silicon Valley is probably what comes to mind. Besides being a hotbed for tech jobs, the area is notoriously expensive, making developers seek out different cities. If you’re an app developer, you don’t have to stay within the bay area of Northern California to find a job.

Where App Developers Are Finding Work

  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Boston
  • Bethesda, MD
  • Seattle, WA
  • Raleigh-Durham, NC
  • Austin, TX
  • Madison, WI

And, surprisingly, Burlington, VT.

Why There, Though?

Developers are becoming fed up with the high cost of living, congestion and long commute times in the Bay Area. In a recent study, 46% of Bay Area residents plan to move out of the region in the next few years. Lack of affordable housing close to people’s workplaces make for unbearable commutes, and greater levels of stress.

Smaller cities outside of major metro areas boast lower costs of living, more manageable commutes, and better overall quality of life. The vast majority of America’s tech jobs are located outside the major tech hubs, with an average of 4,000 job postings for web developers in the last 30 days.

For developers who would rather stay within the big 3 tech cities, Washington, D.C., New York, and San Francisco, you’ll find plenty of high paying developer jobs, especially for Android app development in NY.

Where you are an android or Apple developer, as long as there are smartphone, there will be a job for you.


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