7 Ways You May Be Endangering Others with Your Driving  

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Becoming a Good Example: 7 Ways You May Be Endangering Others with Your Driving  

Sometimes, we may think we are doing everything right on the road. We are good drivers. However, sometimes the danger is in the subtle mistakes we may make driving. Here are 7 ways you may be endangering other when you’re on the road.  

  1. Not giving pedestrian right of way 

Many times too often we think we have the right of way. Or we think we can speed up and beat the pedestrian heading towards the crosswalk. Whether there is a traffic light, a pedestrian walkway or not, it is important to keep your eyes peeled for people jaywalking or residential areas where people may generally cross. By being more alert and giving people the right of way, the less danger it will serve on the road.  

  1. Using a cellphone

We may think being on our phones or texting is not distracting but using our cell phone in any shape or form is asking for an accident. Be sure to keep your phone away next time you’re behind the wheel and keep your eyes on the road. 

  1. Merging lanes

When driving on the road, a simple road gesture such as merging lanes can be easily turned to something that can endanger others while driving. Do not hesitate to merge and make sure you’re giving way to the car in front of you. Do not speed up and make sure you’re taking the right approach when merging lanes to avoid accidents.  

  1. Q-turns

Many drivers risk it and make u-turns in no u-turn zones thinking that it won’t harm anyone. Truth is, making a restricted u-turn can easily cause a severe accident to occur. Too many times have drivers been t-boned or injured while one person does a u-turn in the middle of the road. These injuries generally lead to court and drivers have to find lawyers to help with their case. If this ever happens to you, make sure to visit LevinInjuryFirm.com to learn more.  

  1. Skipping traffic lights

We are all guilty of increasing our speed when a traffic light transitions from green to yellow. Our desire to beat the light before it turns red is wrong. Speeding, rather than slowing down, causes unseen accidents and can hugely endanger others. So next time you approach a traffic light, slow down and come to a stop.  

  1. Doing your makeup at a stop

For many girls, doing their makeup on-the- go at a stop is a common routine. However, it is also far too common that it’s dangerous. Doing your makeup when your car is at a stall is similar to playing with your cell phone. It’s distracting. So do you makeup before you leave next time.[Text Wrapping Break]  

  1. Car distance

You may not be conscious of it but a lot of times when you’re staying close to the car in front of you, you are putting yourself, the car in front of you and the car behind you in danger. Keep a distance and a gap so you have enough time to brake if anything happens in traffic. Make sure you have cushion space in case of bad weather and remember to not get too close. 

By setting a good example, you’re not only saving yourself and those around you. You are following the rules of the road and avoiding putting lives in danger. So next time you’re on the road, consider these things and drive safely. 






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