Double Decisions: How to Prepare Yourself For the Terrible Twos

One of the most rewarding, and challenging, things that you can do in life is raise a child, or children. There is infinite joy to experience, but also a fair share of stress, pain and frustration as well. You’ll share in every smile, giggle and wonder that your kids’ experience, but you’ll also be there for every scraped knee, tantrum and major meltdown as well. And while newborns and babies can be tough, when your kid becomes a toddler is when the challenge really starts. The terrible twos are known as that for a reason, and no parent emerges unscathed from this period of time. So let’s take a closer look at how you can prepare yourself for the cranky, terrible and also adorable twos.

Encourage Your Child’s Development

When your kid becomes a toddler they are learning at an exponential rate. New words, shapes, sizes, colours, objects – they’re like a sponge soaking it all up. While their behaviour may become challenging during this time by no means should you stop encouraging their development and education. Check out some baby stores online for educational games and toys. Check out things like number and basic word flash cards, or books or toys that help them to learn and grow. They’ll be eager to learn new things, but keep in mind that they will have a short attention span – between ten to fifteen minutes. So vary their activities often so they don’t get bored – because boredom is where the trouble begins.

Expect Tantrums and Learn What to do With Them

Your child would be a living miracle if they made it through the terrible twos without a tantrum. In fact, if this is the case please apply to the Guinness World Records and let the local news station know! The key is what you do when they’re having a tantrum. A tantrum can often occur because your child is hungry, tired, stressed, or upset. Try to nip this in the bud. Get them down for a nap, or make sure they have a snack or a meal. Reduce the stimulation by turning off the TV, music or other noise and light. Even if you find yourself getting stressed or emotional, try to remain calm as if you display signs of stress you’ll only make it worse for the child. But you also need to be the boss – if your kid is cracking it because you said no to a treat at the shops, remain firm to your word. This shows that you’re the parent and are in control, and will stop them from becoming self-entitled.

Enjoy the Time

Kids are probably at their cutest when they’re two and three. Although they can display a variety of challenging behaviours that can have you pulling your hair out and feeling overwhelmed, try to take a step back and enjoy this time of life. As they get older they’ll get more independant and rely on you less, so soak it all up. Enjoy story time, bath time, cuddles and walks. Before you know it they’ll be ready to leave home.


Make sure to encourage your child’s development with toys and games that are educational in nature. Make sure to vary activities so they don’t get bored and start acting up. Expect tantrums from time to time and learn how to respond to them while remaining in charge and the adult in the situation. It doesn’t help if you lose your cool. But most importantly sit back and enjoy this time, because they won’t stay as young and as adorable forever.


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