5 Ways To Avoid & Help Back Pain

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

5 Ways To Avoid & Help Back Pain

Back pain can potentially be one of the most debilitating and irritating forms of pain we can experience, it’s amazing how much it cuts down on our ability to get things done. But if we conduct ourselves well we can limit the possibility of experiencing debilitating back pain.

Ensure A Great Working Environment To Reduce Chances Of Back Pain

If you take a good look at the set up you have at work then you can really minimise the chances of back pain resulting from work, it’s  surprisingly common to have back injury happen at work. Looking at various ways you can minimise the chances of back pain at work it’s quite simple to alter your sitting position, ensure you’ve chosen the correct chair and be sure to take as many small breaks as possible.

Make Sure You’re Using The Correct Mattress

During sleep is a very common time for back problems as you are lying in the same spot for many hours on end and if you have a mattress that is either too old, or too firm or too soft then it can affect your back long term and there is every chance it could be preventable with a change of mattress. After trying quite a few different types I found that, for me, the Ghostbed mattress here made such a huge difference and I feel better, get more sleep and as well as my back feeling better I am just more energetic in general.

Exercise Well – Including Yoga

Regular exercise is a must in guarding against back problems in later life, if you are engaging in activities that help you in being more flexible and limber. I have found that doing regular yoga has greatly helped my back pain and although I have to be careful at times but once I’ve built up my core strength I have rarely had any back problems and when I have done it’s never been serious.

Ensure You Know Correct Procedures For Lifting

This is a really old point and I bet that everyone reading this has been in some workplace training course where they have been shown an instructional video or presentation on how to lift a box and although this is always a tedious affair they do have a good point and would not have been such a constant fixture in workplace health and safety if it was not so important, so be sure to ensure you are still following this advice whenever you lift something heavy.

Keep A Good Diet

Diet is actually a key element in preventing and easing back pain. As we can see from the link above there are certain types of food to eat more of and also certain types to avoid, so more of omega acid rich food and certain oils, fruits and green tea are all good! Also highly processed foods and high in certain fats, especially trans fats are to be avoided.


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