Plan Your Perfect Backyard Wedding in 5 Simple Steps 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Plan Your Perfect Backyard Wedding in 5 Simple Steps 

There are few times in life that are more hectic and stressful than planning a wedding. You’ll soon find, if you didn’t know already, that you’ll pay a premium for necessities like a venue, a band, a cake, and catering, for no other reason than that it’s for a wedding. And even if money isn’t the issue, most brides and grooms can drive themselves to distraction making sure everything is perfect for the big day. 

But why drive yourself crazy searching for the perfect wedding venue when you already have a beautiful outdoor space in your own back yard – or the backyard of a friend or family member? A backyard wedding can save you money, and the simplicity of an outdoor wedding is appealing, too. But having your wedding in the backyard requires just as much planning as renting an indoor space. Here’s what you have to do to get ready. 

Make Sure You Have Enough Space  

If you and everyone you know has a tiny, postage stamp of a backyard, you’re not going to be able to have your backyard wedding – at least, not unless you find another outdoor venue. 

When you’re thinking about whether or not your backyard is big enough for a wedding, you have to consider a number of factors. How long is your guest list? Will you be having the reception elsewhere, or will you need room for tables, food service, and a dance floor in your backyard, as well as the ceremony itself? Is there enough parking? What will you do about restrooms? What about garbage cans? Will the wedding party have areas to get dressed and prepared in? If you plan to have the ceremony and reception in your backyard, you’d better have a sizeable backyard. 

Prepare the Lawn Ahead of Time 

Of course, much of your lawn will be covered with foldable chairs, tables, food service, a dance floor, tents, and other necessities. But talk to your wedding planner about preparing your lawn and gardens in advance. Make sure any newly seeded grass has plenty of time to grow and get established before you put it through the ordeal of your wedding. Plant vegetable and flower beds with your wedding layout in mind. You may even want to choose plants for your beds based on your wedding colors. 

Rent a Tent and Other Props 

You’ll need a number of accoutrements to pull off a good backyard wedding. If you’re having food catered, you may want to talk to your catering company about renting chairs and tables for your reception; they may not actually rent this kind of furniture, but they can probably recommend a local rental company that will give you a good deal. They may also be willing to provide staff to help with setting up and taking down chairs and tables. 

It’s a good idea to rent a tent for your outdoor wedding. If it rains on your wedding day, you’ll be glad for the shelter. If the sun shines, you’ll be glad for the shade. If you don’t have a patio or deck, rent a dance floor so guests can dance without trampling your lawn or stabbing it to death with their high heels. Consider renting fans to keep you and your guests cool and comfortable in warm summer temperatures. 

Light It Up 

Fairy lights, Chinese lanterns, candles, tiki torches, kerosene lanterns – the options are limitless for how you shed light on your backyard wedding venue, but it’s probably a good idea to lean toward the more fire-safe options, especially if you’re going to be providing an open bar. String lights can be wrapped around trees and shrubbery, while candles and lanterns can be placed on tables. Consider renting wedding lighting for the best results. 

Discourage Unwanted Overnight Guests 

One of the biggest drawbacks of having your wedding in your backyard is that it opens up your home to all your guests – one or two of whom might decide to pass out on the couch after the night’s festivities have come to an end. The last thing you need is a hungover Aunt Brenda barfing into your garbage disposal on the morning after the best day of your life.  

Steer out-of-town relatives and friends toward the nearest hotel, making it clear that space at your home is limited to residents and pre-approved members of your inner circle. Arrange for a shuttle service to ferry guests to and from their accommodations. This way, you can discourage drunk driving, free up parking at your home, and discourage guests from attempting to crash for the night. 

Whether you want a beautiful, outdoor summer wedding, you’re interested in keeping costs down, or you simply can’t find a venue that works for your needs, a backyard wedding may be the answer. With a little careful planning, you can have the wedding of your dreams, without even leaving home. 


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