5 Ways to Encourage Life Long Learning

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

5 Ways to Encourage Life-Long Learning   

Encouraging your children to become life-long learners is one of the most valuable gifts you can give them as a parent. Helping them understand that knowledge isn’t just necessary for passing the next test, but an end worth pursuing in and of itself, you will prepare for a lifetime of curiosity and growth.  

Here are five ways you can start stimulating their intellectual engagement and passion for learning today:   

1.Read With Them   

Reading is the gateway to the world, and children who spend more than fifteen minutes a day reading are far more likely to see academic success than children who don’t. Studies show that one of the most important things a parent can do to encourage reading in their children is to read with them when they are young, and to model good reading habits as they get older.   

 2. Hire a Tutor  

Children fall behind in school for all kinds of reasons, often through no fault of their own. But once their grades start to suffer, their confidence can falter, and it can become very difficult to convince them that they have the intellectual capacity to succeed.  

For this reason, hiring a tutor to help your child keep up at critical learning times can help them keep their confidence and can ensure they don’t become disillusioned with school itself (you can see what Prep Academy Tutors has to offer if you want to know more about how tutoring can help stimulate a passion for knowledge).  


 3. Encourage Creativity  

Creativity is one of the most profound ways in which children engage in learning about the world. When children draw pictures, write poems, and come up with plays and dance routines, they are exploring different aspects of life. Providing positive reinforcement for creative behaviour is one of the most important ways of fostering their curiosity. 

4. Follow Their Interests 

One of the great joys of parenting is watching your children pursue their strange and wonderful passions. While you might find the particular avenues that their curiosity takes them down to be amusing or even baffling (how many times have you had to sit through in-depth lectures from a six-year-old about dinosaurs or rocket ships?), letting them know that you are interested in what they are learning and sharing in their enthusiasm will help it grow and evolve.   

 5. Play With Them  

As any doctor or specialist will tell you, play is an essential part of how children learn, and engaging in play with them when they are young will help them to maintain the adventurous spirit and curiosity about the world that play encourages. When you play with your children, you enter into their world and affirm to them that imagination is something to be celebrated, not ashamed of.   

Curious children grow up to be curious adults, and curious adults will find themselves more likely to be employed in rewarding, stimulating jobs. If you want to give your child a gift no one will be able to take away from them, start encouraging them to embrace the habits of a life-long learner today.  


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