Behind The Weird Wheel: The Strangest Cars Ever Made

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Since the 1800’s, people have been developing modes of transport which go a little faster than a horse and carriage, and in fact, the term horsepower literally means the power of the car is equivalent to X number of horses. 

But during the history of motor vehicles there have been some rather interesting choices, and this is why today we want to take a look at some of the weirdest cars ever made. 

Looking at a site like CM Autos today, you would be hard pushed to find the cars we have in store for you on this list! 

BMW Isetta (1956)

If you have ever watched The Simpsons or played Hit And Run, you will likely remember Homer’s unique bubble car in all of its glory, but did you know it was a real thing? The manufacturer most well known for hatching drivers who don’t indicate: BMW once made the classic bubble car in the shape of the Isetta.  This car was made by fridge manufacturers and it is easy to see how. The car features a single seat and no side doors and will be one of the strangest cars you ever set foot in. 

Ferrari Monza SP1 (2018)

The Italians love to be creative with their car manufacturing, and this next car shows you exactly how creative they are. Have you ever b n say don watching Formula 1 and wondered what it would feel like to drive on of those cars? Well, now you can. Ferrari is easily the most famous sports car brands in the world and last year they launched the Monza SP1. This car is the closest ever to a real F1 race car and it can do 0-60 in under 3 seconds. 

Ford Speedster (1932)

Ford is one of the most famous brands of car in the world and Henry Ford was the mastermind behind this. His son, Edsel Ford, decided in 1932 that he wanted to take on a project himself along with the designer Eugene Gregoire and they gave birth to this Speedster. The Speedster has a start button for the ignition which was pioneering at the time, and it also had a V8 engine. This car was certainly unique in looks and now would be a classic museum piece as well as a toy car shape. 

Tyrrell P34 (1976)

Tyrell was a car brand who decided to create one of the most amazing Grand Prix cars of all. In the 70’s they created this car because of the wear and tear which always seemed to be an issue in Grand Prix cars. They aimed to fix the issue with their model and this allowed them to change the rules in racing so that cars only would have 4 wheels for safety. 

Cadillac Cyclone (1959)

Have you ever seen a more futuristic looking car in your life? We doubt it. The Cadillac Cyclone was designed with inspiration from NASA and it had its own intercom system which allowed people in the car to communicate with those outside. The stunning and unique shape of this car is likely the inspiration for many modern spaceships and it certainly does feel like something you would see on Back To The Future.


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