All opinions are mine and mine alone.
So you’re looking to buy another car and are assessing your options? New or used that is the question! While we all love the idea of getting something super luxury, sometimes the budget just won’t stretch as far as we’d like. Never fear, there are plenty of lovely used cars out there that can be yours for a mere fraction of the price.
Save money
It’s no secret that the top benefit of buying used is saving you some cash! Plenty of people worry that used cars will have too many maintenance issues, but this just isn’t the case. There are plenty of dealers out there that offer top quality used vehicles in excellent condition. When you’re buying used, you might want to do a little more detective work on your test drive. For example, ensure that you drive up a hill and check the performance and the hand brake. Any banging or rattling sounds here are a bad sign. Make sure that the brakes are smooth and effective. If it takes too much effort or time to stop, you might prefer to keep looking! Otter Vale Motor Services have some great quality used cars available to suit a range of budgets.
Cheaper car insurance
When it comes to car insurance, you’ll want to get the best deal that you can. Often second-hand cars are less expensive to insure than brand new ones. If you’re looking to save further, check out if you are eligible for any other discounts. Some providers offer discounts if you add a more experienced driver to the policy (you can only do this if they will actually be driving the car, of course)! There are also discounts available for drivers who’ve never had an accident and drivers who have taken a defensive driving course.
Less depreciation
When you buy a car that’s brand new, it starts to lose value the very second that you get behind the wheel. New cars depreciate at a fast rate, and so the new owner can end up losing thousands of pounds. If you’re the second buyer, most of the depreciation will have already taken place. You could get your dream car, without the big price tag and you won’t physically make a loss as the first buyer has. Depreciation is a huge reason many people are now opting for nearly new or used vehicles. Failing this, those who want a new car are looking for cars that have a slow depreciation rate. It’s a good plan to research the market price of the car you want before you start shopping around.
Perhaps you’re not happy to pay a lump sum directly? In this case, you could check out your options for finance. Whilst you’ll pay a little interest, some people prefer to pay monthly to avoid using their savings. When you are buying a used car, ensure that you check the history and the MOT beforehand, so you know exactly what you’re getting.
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