Can You Ever Have Enough Money?

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Money, money, money. It’s one of those things, it can cause us so much worry, so much pain but then also something we need and we can use it for so much good. Many people feel and think that they will never have enough money, but is this really the case? And how much is enough money? As you get older, money means different things to you, and whether you’re saving for a holiday or you’ve been surprised and need to find the money for your Mercedes accident repairs, it will always be something you have to think about.

But what does “enough” money mean to you, really? It is, of course, subjective, but for most people, it involves a measure of independence, and it also really depends on your mindset. Do you have a positive money mindset? Do you see limitations when it comes to money, or can you see possibilities? Do you worry about being in debt, or do you know that you’ll get out of it? Are you content with knowing that even small steps make a difference to your financial goals? Do you feel jealous or resent people who have more money than you? Do you see them as greedy? What’s your perception of wealthy people? The way you view money will dictate your relationship with it, so for example, if you’re one of those people who say that money doesn’t grow on trees, then there will never be enough.

To change your relationship with money, you really need to start by appreciating what you have rather than focusing on what’s missing. This will improve your mood and attitude toward money. 

So many people spend their lives chasing money and believe that it is a measure of how much value you have put into the world. So many people buy into this myth, they end up sacrificing so much for it, and while they might be getting rich, they aren’t living a rich life. 

So how much money is really enough? 

What kind of life do you want to have? What do you really love? What is your mission? What does the perfect day look like? What truly makes you happy?

Be honest with yourself and answer these questions. Also, remember that the answers will change over time, so you might need to go back to them and update them every so often. Once you know what kind of life you want to live, then it’s time to try and work out a number. Work out how much one or two holidays are going to cost each year, what kind of house you want, and how much it will be? Go through all these things and work out what you need each year. Once you have done that, make a promise to yourself that once you reach it, that you will no longer chase money but be grateful and satisfied with what you have. You’ll probably get there quicker than you think, and you’ll also continue to make money, but that’s just a bonus.  



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