Top Home Cleaning Tips 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Top Home Cleaning Tips 

A human being cleaning a home can sometimes be quite a challenge, especially if you have children or pets.  People sometimes underestimate the number of hours that can be spent on cleaning a house each day if the house is a large one.  In addition, some people confuse “tidying” with actually cleaning and doing a robust job. There are many things that can be done to make this a far easier task that is not as time-consuming, but it is also more robust.  As technology has changed a lot in the years, this has also included gadgets and devices to make cleaning the home more efficient.  Noted below are some of those ideas. 


As technology has moved on, we can now employ robots to clean your home.  These robots can operate in isolation, through the wi-fi or even operate by the Alexa.  People may think that these are not going to be 100% effective and to be fair, nothing can really beat a human being cleaning a home however these are pretty much nearly as good.  They have their own brushes that will try and get into every corner of the home and they will be able to determine if there are obstructions and stairs to avoid falling down.  They can work on both carpets and flooring therefore if you have some luxury vinyl click flooring installed then it can work a treat on this type of flooring.  It will even identify “dirty spots” on LVT flooring and carpets and aim specifically for it and you can also schedule the iRobot to clean at specific intervals. 

Prevention of Dirt 

There are several things that can be done in order to prevent dirt and mess in your home in the first place which will reduce the need to actually clean. This includes really simple things like placing door mats at the main doors to encourage people to wipe their feet when they come into the property or even enforcing that people do not wear shoes on things like carpets to prevent them getting muck on them.   

Purchase robust cleaning materials 

When you go to the supermarket, you will be overwhelmed with the number of different cleaning materials that can be purchased.  This includes specific items for kitchens, floors, bathrooms and furniture.  It is important that you do not try and combine this all to one type of cleaning agent as this could cause damage.  For example, if you use furniture polish on a kitchen worktop not only could this cause damage to the surface, it could actually cause some hygiene issues.  On the other hand, you do not need to go to the other extreme and buy things for every type of surface, just read the labels and be sensible.  There are also some cheap options for cleaning materials that you should pay close attention to.  Although it may be a lot cheaper than the brand names, you may find it not to be as effective i.e. leave streaks on worktops as an example. 




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