Healthier Nutrition Tips for Families 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Healthier Nutrition Tips for Families

The pursuit of a healthy family diet is often called challenging. After all, it is not easy to please all family members, especially when supermarkets offer so many junk food temptations that cannot be equated with healthy food at all. 

Let‘s have a look at some tips that could help a family willing to step by step approach and maintain daily healthy nutrition. 


Healthy snacks

Ensure, that there is always enough pumpkin or sunflower seeds (the source of protein), raw nuts, dried fruit, air-popped popcorn, granola bars and carrot chips at your kitchen. make it possible to eliminate a lot of fried, grilled or broiled snacks as well as those containing refined sugar and added fats. It is also important not only to have these at home but also to take some to work and pack some for your kids’ lunch box.  For example, granola bars will definetely leave the little ones absolutely satisfied

Healthier cooking methods

First of all, try to use oil free cooking for your daily meals. Steaming and boiling are the healthiest ways to prepare meal as the cooking temperature is lower than using frying. Secondly, if the dish requires to use some cooking oil, choose the right one which would have the lowest oxidation rate. Recipes and food blog will give you the best piece of advice how to cook any dish and at the same time to consumpt as little oil as possible.  

Grow vegetables in your garden

 That is one of the ways to improve your health. Growing your own vegetables not only reduces the risk of eating vegetables containing chemicals but also gives you an additional time for physical activity outside. According to the scientists, gardening relieves stress and rewards with mental clarity and happiness as well. In other words, you can strengthen your physical as well as mental health while growing healthy food and kill two birds with one stone.

Sparkling water

Many people drink less water per day than recommended by doctors. Often water may seem to be tasteless because we are used to drinking soft drinks. However, as our bodies contains 80% of water it is extremely significant to drink enough water in order to maintain a healthy heart rate, lubricate the joints, regulate body temperature and maintain your concentration to a maximum. In this case, in order to drink enough water each day, try carbonated water, which can be flavored with citrus, mint or berries.

Plan your healthy meals Maintaining a healthy family nutrition requires at least twenty minutes per week to plan your next week’s meal. For the plan you should think what are you going to have each day for your breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as to decide wheather you are going to cook at home or to have some takeaway food. You have not only to have a plan but also to follow it, as the temptation to swap a salad for a burger or a slice of pizza, especially when you do not have enough time for cooking, increases.


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