3 Ways To Enjoy Lockdown

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

It’s safe to say we’re living in a very different world to the one we were only a few months ago.  COVID-19 has led to a huge change in our daily lives. Though the world seems to be starting to take steps towards getting back to normality, the likelihood is, it’s going to take months.  

Everyone is dealing with their own issues during the lockdown, whether they are health-related, financial, or social.  Some people are struggling with loneliness, while others are trapped in their houses with partners and kids.  Some people have taken the opportunity to learn new skills and exercise, others have found themselves becoming more sedentary and starting to put on weight and lose their fitness levels.  

Whatever situation you find yourself in.  It’s important to try and find ways to make lockdown that bit more enjoyable.  

Try new things

There may never be a better opportunity to experience something new.  Of course, you’re limited by the restrictions on going outside, but other things such as reading a book, discovering new music, even learning to play music on a new instrument.  

Learn how to cook, or if you’re already handy in the kitchen, try a dish you’ve never attempted before.  Many companies are now beginning to deliver meal kits, where you can choose your recipes and they will deliver the right ingredients to your door for you to know up a culinary masterpiece.  The choices are endless, from fresh Italian pasta to gourmet soft pretzels.  

Look after yourself

We’re more aware of our health now than ever.  While it’s tempting, and let’s face it, enjoyable, to sit on the sofa watching Netflix and eating junk food, he isn’t going to do you any favors in the long run.  

Find ways to get moving, there are thousands of videos on YouTube with lockdown friendly workout programs on them.  Choose the one you think you’ll like and get moving.  Even if you’re terrible at it, there’s no one there to see you.  

Watch your diet too.  Try and incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables where you can and limit junk food.  Your health and your waistline will thank you for it.  

Your mental health is also important.  If you’re feeling isolated, find ways to connect with friends and family over a video call or phone.  If you’re living in a madhouse full of kids, try and carve out a little time for yourself when you can just to decompress. 

Let go of FOMO

There’s no rule book about how you should be handling your life during COVID-19.  If you look on social media, you’d be forgiven for thinking that everyone is thriving, getting fit, homeschooling their perfect children, and just generally enjoying the downtime.  That’s not the case for everyone.  If your goal is just to get through the day, then that’s fine.  Social media is just a snapshot of someone’s day, and often the best bit.  Don’t feel like you’re doing it wrong because your haven’t got it all together. 

This, above all other things, is the key to coping well.  Just let go of all of the expectations and standards you’ve undoubtedly been trying to hold yourself to.  


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