6 Steps to Getting Your Kids To Eat New Foods

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Getting your kids to eat new foods can be really tough. Many of them like to stick to what they know, and will complain that they don’t like a certain food when really they have never tried it. A lot of kids are like this, but there are ways you can get them to try new foods without hassle or a big argument. 

Read on for 6 steps you can take to getting your child to eat new foods today! 

Don’t Make A Big Deal Out Of Their Eating Habits 

The worst thing you can do for any child is make a big deal out of their eating habits. When you do this, the child learns that this is a really good way for them to get attention, and will do all they can to hold that attention by making a fuss and being awkward. You don’t need to watch them like a hawk as they eat, and you don’t need to comment or praise every bite. 

Give It To Them More Than Once 

Don’t just stop giving them a certain food because they say they don’t like it if they haven’t really tried it properly. You can still add it to their plate with the intention of them having a bite. This is especially true if your child is a toddler. Toddlers sometimes need to be presented with a food multiple times before they will try it/like it. 

Hide It In Their Meals 

You could take the sneaky route and hide the food in their meals. For example, you could mash certain vegetables up and put it into their mash potato. You don’t need to tell them until they have eaten it. 

Cook It Together 

One of the best things you can do if you want your child to try new foods is cook it together. For example, take a look at how to make falafel and plan a day of cooking and snacking. They will love creating food with you as it allows you both to bond, and they will be far more likely to eat the finished product as they know what’s in it and how it has been made. 

Give It A Fun Name 

See if you can come up with fun and unique names for foods to entice your child to eat them. Sometimes, it’s more about their idea of the food than it is the food itself. This is why so many kids claim to hate broccoli but absolutely love it when it is called ‘mini trees’. 

Present Foods In A New Way

See if you can present the foods in a new way. Try to play around with different ways to prepare foods, such as steamed vs. pureed. The texture may help, or even the temperature. You can also see if your presentation makes a difference – you don’t need to create a work of art, but making the meal look fun could help your child to eat it. A simple smiley face could work wonders! 


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