5 Simple Ways To Care For your Teeth and Keep A Great Smile

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Good dental health is easy to reach and simple to maintain. And yet so many people allow it slip. There’s always another good excuse as to why the kids won’t brush their teeth, or why someone won’t floss. But without good, healthy practices, your dental health can slide rapidly. Not sure what you can do for your own dental health? Here are 5 good practices you should have to keep your teeth clean and your mouth healthy.

Regular Brushing and Flossing

Brushing your teeth for 2-3 minutes twice a day is the first main key to maintaining dental health. Yet so often it is the main component that is neglected in everyone’s oral health. Make sure you choose a toothpaste that is right for you. Not all toothpaste is created equal, so if you have any questions regarding what may be best for your specific dental situation then speak to your hygienist or dentist on your next visit. And don’t forget to floss. Your brush can’t reach everywhere so don’t neglect the spaces between your teeth that you can’t reach normally.

Avoid Sugary sweets and drinks

The long term damage that sugary drinks and sweets can do to your teeth and gums is well documented. Study after study has shown that constantly consuming added sugar is not only bad for your body but doubly bad for your dental health. If you are someone with a severe sweet tooth, then consider swapping out your sugary snacks for water, reduced sugar drinks (sparingly), and fruits and nuts. Seriously reducing your sugar intake is almost always a number one priority from your dentist as they know all too well what the effects will be on you in the future.

Use adequate protection during activities

Are you a boxer? Or some other form of a martial artist? Perhaps you play rugby? Any sport you play that may put repeated and constant pressure on your teeth and jaw should only be tackled with the correct mouthpiece. Do not go cheap on these for the sake of doing so either. A cheap mouthguard can and will cause a false sense of security that will lead to tooth loss. If in doubt, speak to your local dental practitioner as they can recommend a higher grade mouthguard that will offer maximum protection.

Visit your dentist

Visiting your dentist at least every 6 months should be a fixture on your regular to-do list. Yes, life can get in the way but your dentist can pick out and discover issues that you may not have even known you had. Cavities and other issues can easily hide at the back of your mouth fairly painlessly and not be noticed for months. Regular checkups now can save you expensive dental surgery in the future.

Non-invasive medical intervention

Medical intervention is not always necessary. However, you can always look into a non-invasive intervention if your dental hygienist has deemed it necessary. Sometimes teeth aren’t straight. This is just a fact you will have to accept. However, there are ways to help when it has been recommended to do so. You don’t always need braces for example. Instead, why not consider Night-time aligners that don’t need to be medically attached for 6 months at a time. Simply slide them on at night and remove in the morning.


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