Top 10 Healthy Breakfasts to Start a Jam-Packed Day

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Top 10 Healthy Breakfasts to Start a Jam-Packed Day 

Most people have heard the saying, “breakfast is the important meal of the day.” There are many good reasons why this saying is popular. When you start your day with a highly nutritious breakfast meal, you will most likely have a more productive day. It also keeps you alert and energetic. Plus, you wouldn’t even have room for those addictive, usually not nutritious snacks. Over the years, many studies conducted have proven that breakfast is essential for our general well being. Here are some breakfast foods to help you kick start your day:


Throughout history and time, eggs have remained a relevant and popular staple dietary breakfast food. This reason could be due to its versatility. Eggs can be scrambled, hard-boiled, poached or deviled. There are so many ways to cook eggs. Eggs are also rich in essential vitamins and nutrients such as calcium, which helps develop strong bones and teeth. Eggs also contain a mostly unknown nutrient called choline, which is used to construct cell membranes. The average egg contains about 100mg of choline. Eggs also have other nutrients that promote eye health.  But most importantly, eggs are rich in quality protein, which are essential to growth and development. Usually, a typical egg has about 77 calories, 5g of healthy fats and oils, as well as 6g of protein.


Many people consider seeds to be tiny superfoods, but they are filled with big essential nutrients and minerals. They are also excellent sources of fiber. Plus, there are many varieties of seeds so you can always try alternatives and keep your breakfast timetable diverse. Seeds like sunflower seeds contain Vitamin E, which boosts your immune systems and maintains your skin and hair. Flaxseeds lower cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar levels. Other grains like sesame and pumpkin seeds are rich in nutrients like calcium and iron. These nutrients help in developing stronger bones and help make red blood cells, respectively. You can eat your seeds by adding them to some of your breakfast recipes. Sprinkle a couple of them on your flapjacks, smoothies, or porridge for a highly nourishing and filling breakfast.


Over the past couple of years, avocado has gained immense popularity, especially among millennial crowds. Avocado and toast have become a staple breakfast for many health-conscious young adults, but it’s not just a trend. They are rich in potassium, which helps maintain blood pressure levels. Avocados contain higher levels of fat than most foods do. That doesn’t make this superfood unhealthy. On the contrary, most of its fat comes in the form of oleic acid, which has been recognized as having anti-inflammatory properties. What’s more, its high-fat content makes it easier for your body to absorb nutrients. Some nutrients, like vitamins, are fat-soluble. It means that they need to be combined with fat for them to provide optimum benefits to the body. You can add a slice or two of avocados to your veggies when preparing your breakfast.


Oats are one of the healthiest grains ever. Plus, they are gluten-free so people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can enjoy this wholesome breakfast food. Oats are packed with essential minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They are commonly eaten as porridge in the form of oatmeal. The high levels of antioxidants found in oats help to reduce high blood pressure levels. Oats also contain high levels of fiber called beta-glucan, which promote healthy gut bacteria, lowers cholesterol levels, and makes you feel full for an extended time. Filling foods help you eat less and can help in weight loss. Grab a bowl of your favorite gluten-free oatmeal and top it off with some colorful fruits, nuts or seeds. 

Greek Yogurt

Plain unsweetened Greek yogurt has many health benefits. Did you know that a cup of Greek yogurt could help you in meeting the required dietary of three day-to-day servings of low-fat or non-fat dairy products? Additionally, people that are lactose intolerant may find it easy to digest Greek yogurt because its bacteria breaks down milk sugars. Greek yogurt also is chock full of probiotics. These probiotics are healthy bacteria that help with stomach or bowel issues. The bacteria boost your immune system by fighting off harmful bacteria. It also has many essential nutrients like calcium and Vitamin B-12, which help in building body muscles and aiding in the formulation of red blood cells. 

You can add some seeds, granola, fruits (fresh or dried), and nuts to make your yogurt more filling and delicious. If you have a sweet tooth, you can add a little honey or syrup.

Whole-Grain Bread

Whole grains have antioxidant properties that protect you from inflammation. They are also filled with vital minerals like zinc, iron, and potassium. These nutrients improve your cardiovascular health. Today, there are many options for bread low in calories and high in fiber. Research has shown that rye bread, for example, is more nutritious than regular whole wheat bread. One of the reasons given is the high quality of fiber present in rye bread that keeps people full for a more extended period.


Not only are berries bright and colorful, but they are also highly ranked as one of the healthiest foods that you can eat. Plus, they can be included in many types of diets and dietary methods. They are also cancer-fighting properties and have been found to have reduced markers that are linked to tumor growth in people. Berries also boost your heart health by lowering cholesterol levels. Including berries in your breakfast may quickly fill you up for a long time because of the amount of fiber it contains. This property, along with its low calories; help with weight loss. You can whip up a healthy breakfast smoothie with your berries including yoghurt, milk and other fruits.


Are you a regular coffee drinker? Does the aroma of freshly blended coffee perk you up in the mornings? You might have heard a few negative stories about coffee, but when consumed in moderation, coffee has some pretty great benefits. A cup of coffee each morning might help relieve you from those pesky migraine headaches. The reason behind this fact is that caffeine is, in fact, the main ingredient in many medicines manufactured for pain relief. It also helps reduce liver damage and the risk of stroke. Coffee is also filled with many antioxidants that help in combating free radicals. Plus, they help with weight loss. Caffeine can escalate your metabolic rates, thus allowing you to burn a little fat during the day.

Green Tea

Start your day right with green tea. Not only will it keep you alert throughout the day, but it will also keep your body strong and healthy. Green tea has polyphenols that help in fighting against certain cancers like colorectal, prostate, and breast cancer. It also contains a compound called EGCG, which prevents damage to your cells.If you find it difficult drinking green tea as it is, you can spice it up by adding some lemon juice, honey, mint, or ginger for  some more tastiness.


The great thing about smoothies is that you can have all your favorite fruits and vegetables in one cup. Fruits and vegetables are typically rich in fiber, thus making you feel fuller for most of the day. You can add some high protein products like nuts, yogurt, or milk but be careful because your smoothie can quickly become calorie-dense.

If you are feeling inspired to make your breakfast meals more interesting, check out some recipes that you can try preparing. Let us know how your meals turn out in the comments section below! 

Bon Appetit!


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