8 Ways To Remember Somebody You Love

All opinions are mine and mine alone


Remembering somebody you love can be a life-affirming project. Even though they are no longer with us, you want to do something to preserve their memory. It doesn’t seem right that they should fade from existence without a trace.Achieving a lasting legacy, however, can be a challenge. What things can you actually do to make it happen? 

Frame One Of Their Garments

Was there an item of clothing that summed up your loved one? If so, you can frame it and put it up on the wall. For instance, it might be the suit they wore to work every day while earning money to support the family. Or it could be the uniform of their favorite football team. These days, you can get professionals to frame garments for you, and the results are often spectacular. They tailor both the frame and the backing for the item of clothing, turning it into something artistic that is worth treasuring. 

Organize An Annual Day Of Celebration

When somebody passes away, we can sometimes feel guilty for carrying on with our lives as usual. It doesn’t seem right on a psychological level to work as you always have done when somebody has died. You can, however, avert this feeling by organizing annual days of celebration. These are occasions when you remember the life and times of people who’ve passed away. You can bring culture into it if you want to, or you can go with the flow and see what happens. 

Annual celebration days can be a way for the entire family and circle of friends to cope with what’s happened. You might want to include the person’s favorite food and drink and play their music in memory of them. 

Create A Shrine

If you’d prefer to do something a little more private, you could always create a shrine. Shrines have been a part of human culture for centuries and appear to play an important psychological role. When you construct a shrine, you’re creating a connection with the person you lost. It’s like a portal you can use to honor them in whatever way you see fit, paying homage to their memory. 

Shrines don’t have to be large stone columns with strange markings on them. They can be practically any physical object that serves as a bridge between this life and the next. Pictures, collectibles of the person who has died – even candles can all be helpful. 

Many people also like to put shrines in the corner of rooms as a kind of sanctuary to remember the person who passed away. They’re like a miniaturized version of their presence, distilling all their essential elements into objects that link to them in some way. 

Wear Cremation Jewelry

You can take the remembrance of your loved ones even further by wearing jewelry for cremation ashesThe idea here is pretty simple. You take a standard locket and then fill it with the ashes of the deceased person. You then carry them around with you wherever you go. That way, you always feel like you’re doing them justice. They remain a part of your daily routine, even if they can’t be there in their usual corporeal form. 

Plant A Tree

Planting a tree is another popular thing to do in memory of somebody who has passed away, Planting trees is an interesting way of remembering somebody for a couple of reasons. For starters, trees have a profound sense of permanence. Many species live for hundreds of years and will outlive us, our children, and possibly our great-grandchildren. They remind us that life will go on regardless, even if it is in a different form. 

Plus, there’s also something very circular and reassuring about trees. They’re a reminder that out of the ashes of old life can come new. It’s a tale that has been going on for millions of years. And, hopefully, one that will continue for millions of years to come. 

Create A Memorial Garden

Mustering the willpower to get out into the garden and plant bulbs isn’t something that all of us can do. But when your garden is an ode to somebody who passed away, it often becomes much more comfortable. Suddenly, you have a real purpose guiding you. Daffodils are a popular species to plant for those grieving the passing of a loved one. What’s more, they’re perennials, so they’ll continue bouncing back year after year. You can also create a garden that pays homage to the deceased person’s hobbies and crafts. For instance, many people like to place painted rocks in their gardens because that’s what their loved one used to do.

Don’t forget to include close friends and family in the process of choosing what goes into the garden. Usually, they will have their own ideas for what you should include. 

Commission A Piece Of Art

Artists are having a tough time at the moment, thanks to the coronavirus. Many are not getting the level of work that they were before the crisis started. Therefore, it might be a good idea to commission one to create a work of art in remembrance of your loved one. Give the artists a brief, detailing the type of person that your loved one was and how they changed your life. Then ask the artist to use those themes to invent something beautiful or powerful that the deceased person would have loved. Once you have the artwork in your hand, it gives you something tangible to remember your loved one by. Paintings and sculptures can both be highly evocative. 

Light A Candle

When it comes to remembering a loved one, there are traditional options too. Lighting a candle is one of the oldest and most popular methods of celebrating the life of somebody who has passed away. 

What’s more, it is something that everyone can now share with each other via the internet. You just use your camera’s smartphone to take a live recording of events and stream them directly to social media. 


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