Skin Care Tips During The Coronavirus Pandemic

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Skin Care Tips During The Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is still all around us, which means that it’s important to stay grounded and grateful for what we’ve got in life. A lot of people have lost their jobs, while those who were lucky managed to keep theirs. The majority of folks are still staying at home because the lockdown rules are implemented. For some, this is like an extended vacation, while for others it’s like a nightmare. Whatever the case, it would be smart to use the lockdown as an opportunity for growth and self-care.

Skincare is one of the best ways to start with a more gentle and self-loving way of life. Therefore, here are some tips that will help you improve your skin during the pandemic.

1. It’s all about the consistency

There is no magical solution that will transform your skin for the better, that’s just a fact. However, if you’re looking to start a new skincare regime, it’s important to remember that it’s all about consistency. Once you start and keep going, you’ll be able to notice improvements, but keep in mind that they won’t come overnight. Therefore, instead of giving up, make sure to be diligent and give your skin all the nourishment and care that it needs.

2. Use the right ingredients

Many common ingredients in skincare products are actually very harsh and can dry your skin. Things like sulfates and alcohol might seem like a good solution, but they’re actually the opposite. So rather than using cleansers and toners with such ingredients, make sure to opt for much gentler alternatives that will keep your skin soft and free from breakouts and flakiness.

3. You don’t need all the products

There are so many products on the market, but you don’t need them all. Rather than buying everything that seems good, make sure to learn about your skin type and build an appropriate skincare routine. If you’re unsure what to do, then feel free to start with these six must have clean skincare products that will keep your skin and hair nourished and taken care of. It’s always best to start slow and then add extra products once you have a solid basis. 

4. Facial oils can be truly life-changing

Using facial oils can seriously give your skin everything it needs, but before you start using them, it’s important to find those that fit your skin type, because using the wrong oil can clog your pores and cause breakouts. Also, keep in mind that oils are used as the last step in your skincare regime because their job is to seal all the moisture from serums and moisturizers. 

5. Avoid touching your face

Staying at home all day long can make you feel bored, and boredom tends to make us do crazy stuff. Picking and touching your skin might seem like a good relief for boredom and anxiety, but it will also have consequences. If possible, stay away from touching your face too much, especially if you feel bored and restless. Also, if you must pop your pimples, be sure to do it with clean hands, and don’t forget to use something soothing and anti-bacterial afterward. In such situations, aloe-vera gel is always a good option.

Final thoughts

Keeping your skin blemish-free and glowing requires a bit of trial and error, but once you find your perfect combination of products, you will be good to go. Finally, remember to use products that work for your skin type and never let your expectations get to you. Skincare is a long-term journey that requires dedication and patience, and once you master that, your skin will be thankful for all the care. 


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