What To Do When You’re Having A Really Bad Day

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Everyone has a bad day from time to time, so it is expected, but part of the problem with a bad day is that it can snowball. What can start off as stubbing your toe when you get out of bed can lead to you getting stuck in traffic and being late for work, forgetting your notes for your meeting, and so on. It seems to go on and on and can even turn from a bad day into a bad week. While there are going to be times when something truly awful happens, and everything seems hopeless, it’s important not to let it get the better of you. So what should you do when you’re having a terrible day?

Take a breath

Stop and take a breath. Take deep, really slow breathes, breathe in for five seconds, hold it for two, and then breathe out for five again. Take a moment, look around, and be present. Just focus on your breathing and nothing else. This will help you to stay calm and to deal with what is going on, and get your head into a better place. 

Look For The Positives

Even when everything feels hopeless, there are always positives; you just need to look for them. Do you have a roof over your head? Food in the cupboards? People that care about you? Remind yourself of what you have to be grateful for because there is so much. 

Put Things Into Perspective

What’s the worst-case scenario, really? Is it as bad as you think? When emotions get in the way, it can make things feel a lot worse than they are, but you can find ways to solve your problems easier when you start being more realistic. So you’re locked out, and it’s midnight, it’s not the end of the world, you won’t have to stay outside all night, you can call an all hour automotive locksmith. You’ve lost your job, this is awful, but do you have some money saved, somewhere to live? The skills to get a new one? Is it a blessing in disguise? Did you even want that job? Think about what you can do to improve your situation rather than just focusing on how bad it is and that you don’t deserve it. 

Don’t Look For Blame

Trying to find someone or something to blame will do nothing to help your situation. Don’t blame yourself, and don’t blame anyone else. Even if what has happened is someone’s fault, don’t waste your energy focusing on it, there is no point, and it won’t help you if you try and get some sort of revenge. Focus on your journey, and let go of resentment. 

Let Yourself Feel

There’s no point trying to hide your anger and emotions either; if you have feelings, you need to feel them. If you try to push your emotions away, it will exhaust you, and if you try to bury them, it will only prolong the negative feelings. Let the feelings come, cry if you need to, and then once you have dealt with your feelings, you’ll be able to move on. 


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