Five Reasons To Face Life With A SMILE

 All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Having someone else tell you to smile when you’re down can, so often, produce the exact opposite result. After all, the person passing on that message will rarely have any idea of what the person receiving it has gone through. In that context, it can be callous and simplistic to throw it out there – which is a shame, because smiling can benefit you in many ways, including helping you shake off that “down” feeling.

As patronizing as it may be to have a complete stranger tell you to turn that frown upside down, it is worth remembering that there are five exceptionally good reasons to face life with a SMILE…


The feeling of stress is a tough one to overcome, and the more you live with the feeling the harder it can be to escape. It is important to address stress at its root, dealing with the causes so that the feeling doesn’t become self-perpetuating. However, in the short term it can be beneficial to simply plaster on a smile – even if you’re not feeling joyful, just the act of smiling can have demonstrable de-stressing impacts.


As well as fighting off stress, studies have shown that even a fake smile can be beneficial in lifting a person’s mood, thanks to the release of vital chemicals that results from the movement of the relevant muscles. Consider it a case of “fake it ‘til you feel it”, if you must, but you’ll see results even if you just spend five minutes smiling in front of the mirror in the morning.


The impact of a smile goes beyond the emotional and mental health benefits it can have – did you know that you can actually improve your immune system with the occasional grin? The signs are that the more often you smile, the more your brain releases specific neurotransmitters that boost health and immunity by allowing you to feel more relaxed. 

Lower blood pressure

Without sitting for a blood pressure test, you could be experiencing hypertension without even knowing it. Feelings of light-headedness and a pounding sensation in your chest can be warning signs, but if you just want to show off the benefits of your cosmetic dentistry appointment or you have found another reason to be cheerful, you can actually lower your blood pressure.


When you feel happy, it’s easy to recognize the external reason for the positive emotion – but what’s going on internally is also worth thinking about. Smiling triggers the release of endorphins, which increase the feeling of happiness but also have several other beneficial impacts. They’re a natural pain reliever and they also help you sleep peacefully – all of which gives you additional reasons to be cheerful and increase the impulse to smile!

Whether we feel good or bad on the inside, the simple act of smiling can make a difference in ways you hadn’t considered before, so – even if you get irritated by people telling you to smile – it is still worth taking a moment to let a grin cross your face, naturally or otherwise.


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