Natural products for stressed skin

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Watch Out! Warning Signs That Your Skin Is Stressed 

Stress is an indispensable part of the modern lifestyle, something you cannot live without, no matter how hard you try. It happens to people of all ages and from all walks of life, so practically no one is safe. Moreover, stress has strange ways of showing up. It can lead to a range of health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, anxiety disorders, and depression. You may lose your appetite or end up eating more and becoming overweight. It may even be visible on your skin, though people seldom realize that their skin is stressed. Being vigilant about skin stress and taking the right action on time can save you from trouble. Here are some warning signs you should be vigilant about.  


When you are super-anxious, even minor things irritate you. It isn’t confined to your moods but extends to your skin as well. As the body goes through a fight-or-flight response, it releases histamine, a compound that acts as a mediator of itching. It can cause an allergic response, which may be visible as hives, itching, and redness. If you see these signs but have no feasible explanation for them, it is probably because of intense stress. You should not ignore these signs because they can eventually aggravate and show up as serious conditions such as rosacea and eczema. 

Accelerated aging 

Intense anxiety can make you feel and look older than your years with premature aging signs. Cortisol, the stress hormone, speeds up the breakdown of collagen and elastin. Further, it also disrupts your circadian rhythms, and the results are quite evident. It can render your skin lax and cause wrinkles in the long run, much before you expect them to appear. If stress levels run high, and you experience signs of premature aging, you need to start working on anxiety management before it is too late. Meditation and deep breathing can help, while you can embrace a hobby to feel more positive.  

Adult acne 

If your teenage acne has made a sudden comeback, it may be a clear sign that your skin is struggling with stress. It is not unusual to notice a sudden breakout after a long day at work, and seeing that unexpected pimple may make you even more anxious. Stress hormones affect your skin as much as the other parts of your body, so you can expect to see things that have never happened before. Fortunately, you can rely on natural products for stressed skin to deal with these breakouts. The best approach here is natural because chemicals can make things only worse. So make sure that you go through the ingredients before you pick a product. 


Another subtle sign to watch out for is dullness, which is most likely to be overlooked as it creeps up slowly. As you try to hang in there, there are chances that your skin will slack off in its job and deteriorate slowly but steadily. You may lose sleep, and it slows down the cell rejuvenation process, which starts manifesting in the form of dullness. Your complexion loses its healthy glow as the cells fail to renew. The best remedy would be to catch up on your sleep. A regular exfoliation routine also helps with clearing the dead cells and expediting renewal.  


Skin dehydration is another symptom you need to be vigilant about. While you may think that the weather is responsible for draining the healthy plumpness from your skin, anxiety may be the real culprit. Stress often impairs the barrier function of the skin, which deprives it of moisture sooner rather than later. As a result, you will feel as if it is dehydrated. Nourishing it with healthy omega fatty acids can work wonders for restoring that dewy glow and natural firmness of the skin. You can do it by using quality products and eating the right diet. At the same time, you need to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. The most crucial thing to do is to keep stress at bay. 

Stress is a silent killer that impacts every organ of the body, and your skin is not an exception. Unless you make conscious efforts to control it, stress may make life tough for you, both physically and mentally. Things can go even worse when it starts appearing on your skin. It is important to be aware and keep an eye on the earliest signs so that you can take the right measures to curb its effects before there is extensive damage.  





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