Start Making Your List and Check It Twice!

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Sure, it’s only November and Christmas may seem a fair distance off, but at the end of the day, time flies and before you know it, it’ll be Christmas Eve and you’ll have no time for planning and preparation left on your hands. The sooner you start your Christmas shopping, the sooner everything will be wrapped up and ready to go. Then, you can enjoy the rest of December and fill it with fun activities like baking, watching Christmas films and more! Now, the best way to keep organised and to make sure you don’t miss anything off and end up in a last minute rush and paying last minute express delivery is to make a list and buy things gradually along the line. Black Friday sales are also approaching and being prepared for them can see you grab some great bargains! So, here are a few ideas to get your list off to a good start!


First, let’s focus on tablets. There are countless tablets on the market now, so it can be difficult to determine which will be the best to gift your loved one. First, create a budget. How much can you spend on this gift. Then browse tablets that fall within this price bracket – whether that’s less than 50, less than 100, best tablets under 200 or any other amount. Then, determine what your loved one might use the tablet for. Will they mostly use it to watch shows or films? In this case, screen size and display quality may take priority. Will they use it for games? This means you might want to consider what games can be played on it. Will they use it for recipes? You might want to look for options that have cases with stands so they can read the recipe easily while they cook. Once you have an idea of different options, compare reviews to find the one with the best reviews.

Beauty Products

Many beauty companies offer bundles for Christmas that combine their best selling items or stars of the show in a nice, convenient package. So, take a look at what’s on offer and keep a special eye out for special editions, limited editions and more. These can be extra special and a great surprise for your beauty loving loved one. Of course, if there are in demand items, you may need to shop at release dates to secure your gift before they sell out. So, set alarms and try to buy when things are released rather than waiting.


Cameras are another highly desired gift during the holiday season. Whether that’s DSLRs, SLRs or even polaroid cameras that print instant film. Make sure to browse your options and ensure you know what you’re looking for before investing. These can be pricey gifts so you want to make sure that you’re buying the right thing and get any necessary accessories to go with it.

These are just a few ideas to get you started when it comes to buying gifts this year. So, get organised and start planning!


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