The Do’s and Don’ts for Cleaning Your Invisalign Trays

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The Do’s and Don’ts for Cleaning Your Invisalign Trays

Choosing invisalign instead of metal braces is a good move. However, it also requires care for you to be able to enjoy its benefits. There are things that should be done and those that should be avoided. This way, you will be able to avoid damaging it. Just like metal braces, you have to make sure that it is cleaned regularly. 

Invisalign is a treatment for crooked teeth, gaps and other minor under or overbite problems. Most people would prefer it over metal braces because it is more convenient to use. Aside from that, you can easily wear it. Its use is less complicated as compared to other treatments offered by cosmetic dentistry. Now, if you have chosen invisalign, you also need to know the do’s and don’ts in wearing it. 


Here are the things that you are expected to do to care for your aligners:

  • Do rinse the aligners every time you remove them

This is a very important part of dental teeth cleaning and care. When you remove your aligners, you have and rinse them. This is to ensure that no plaque will build up overnight as you sleep. This is an important part of maintaining oral hygiene. There are antibacterial soaps that you can use for this. A soft-bristled toothbrush is very important in cleaning. It will help you eliminate even the small particles that are stuck in the aligners. 

  • Soak your aligners once a day

You have to soak your aligners at least once a day. This is a recommendation that you need to consider. This way, you will be able to maintain its clear appearance. It will also help you make it smell perfect. You can make use of denture cleaner or cleaning crystals for soaking. After soaking, you can make use of a toothbrush to eliminate the plaque or food particles. After that, you can now rinse it before putting it back into your mouth. 

  • Brush and floss your teeth before you put the trays back in

Aside from cleaning the aligners, you also have to clean your mouth. It is very important to keep your teeth and your gums clean. This must be considered before you put your trays back. This way, you will be able to avoid dealing with food particles trapped in your aligners. 

  • Brush out your retainer with lukewarm water

Using lukewarm water in brushing your retainers will make the process easier. You will be able to brush off the food particles easily as compared when you use cold water. 

  • Clean your retainer case regularly

Before you put away your retainer case, you have to consider cleaning it. Regular cleaning is a must. To be able to clean it, you can use warm and soapy water. You can scrub the surface gently. After that, you can rinse and do not forget to dry it. 


Here are the things that you should not be doing:

  • Eat or drink with your Invisalign aligners in your mouth

There is a very special reason why you need to take off your aligners before eating. This is very important for you to be able to avoid having food stuck in the aligners. This will lead to the staining and damaging of the trays. All types of foods and drinks are in the list except for water. You can drink water with your aligners but with other beverages. The best way to avoid stains is to not forget to remove the retainers before you eat or drink. 

  • Do not have excessive coffee

If you are the kind of person who is relying on coffee to start your day, you need to consider limiting it. This is not only about coffee. You also need to lesson your intake of red wine, tea and other beverages that can stain your teeth. After having coffee, you should always brush your teeth before wearing your aligners again. 

  • Avoid heat

If you do not want to ruin your retainer, you should not expose it to heat. You should keep it away from boiling water and microwaves. You should not also be using dishwashers and dryers in cleaning it. Since it is very simple to clean it, you should be able to eliminate other cleaners such as dryers. This way, the material of the retainer will be affected. 

  • Skip the chemicals

There is no need to make use of harsh chemicals. You also need to know that chemical cleaning tablets do not really eliminate bacteria. It is very simple to clean the retainers. There is no need to make use of chemicals. 

  • Keep your retainers away from pets

If you have pets, it would be better if you are going to keep it away from them. This way, you will be able to avoid damages. For sure, you do not want to get another set of retainers when your pet destroys it. 

Taking care of your retainers is something that you should never take very lightly. You have to clean it regularly and you also need to secure it upon removal. Keeping it away while you’re not wearing it is one of the ways to care for it. 


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