5 Foods and Beverages That Are Proven Anxiety Triggers: Avoid Them at All Costs 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

5 Foods and Beverages That Are Proven Anxiety Triggers: Avoid Them at All Costs 

When you suffer from anxiety, you’ll know that you spend loads of time trying to figure out what your triggers are. Are there people in your life that trigger you, certain outlets of stress, or past unresolved trauma that keeps coming up? While there are many potential causes, one of the biggest causes unknown to many is the food and drinks you consume. 

That’s right; the food and drink you have could be a leading cause of your anxiety. With this in mind, this guide is all about highlighting the top five food and drinks that can cause anxiety triggers, so you can see for yourself whether you need to avoid them or not. If you try cutting these out, you may see an instant improvement in your state of mind. Couple this with a service like telehealth therapy, and you change your lifestyle dramatically for the better. 

What is telehealth therapy? Find out here. In the meantime, let’s just into the guide. 


Perhaps the most common stimulant, so many people drink caffeine every single day, yet it can be such a brutal trigger to anxiety. This is because caffiene, as the title suggests, stimulants the body, causing an increased heart rate and increased blood pressure and will make you more alert. However, this can be very triggering, especially if you’re dealing with traumas or other stressful situations. 

Gluten Products 

Gluten remains a highly contested type of food. Gluten has been reported several times as being a cause for depression and helping to contribute to anxious symptoms and conditions, especially within elderly generations


Alcohol is a depressant that also contains gluten, and a lot of people, including those suffering from anxiety, will use it to unwind and destress. 

However, the gluten in the alcohol could be making things worse, especially when you consider that around 20% of the 15 million who suffer from social anxiety also suffer from alcohol abuse. Unless you can properly moderate yourself, most people suffering from anxiety will want to avoid alcohol. 

Foods with Trans Fats

It’s common knowledge at this point that trans fats are not good for the body, and that is especially the case with people who suffer from anxiety. Researchers discovered that people who consume a lot of trans fats compared with average levels have a 48% higher chance of suffering from depression. Trans fats also cause inflammation, which can lead to depression and stress.

Any Foods with Sugar

While you need serotonin, the hormone associated with happiness, to be happy, too much of it in one go can have the reverse effect and can make you feel more anxious. This happens when you eat a lot of sugar. Sugar is known to encourage the body to release more serotonin, increased rates of which are connected with people suffering from conditions like social anxiety. 


It’s clear to see that some foods are clearly identifiable as anxiety triggers, so think about them in your own life and monitor your diet. Try cutting down on some foods and drinks, or cutting them out completely, to see if you see any positive changes in your life that can help you become the healthiest version of yourself. 


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