Increasing Your Fuel Efficiency When Driving

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

There are a lot of things you might want to think about when you are driving. One of the main ones is that you probably want to drive as efficiently as possible. That means that you are going to have less of a negative effect on the planet when you are driving, and it will also make for a much better way of driving in general, with better control of your vehicle. So how do you increase fuel efficiency when you are driving, and what kinds of changes might you want to make in future to make this even more effective?

Learn To Drive A Manual

One of the major benefits of manual driving lessons is that it empowers you to drive your vehicle much more efficiently with regards to the use of fuel. That’s because an automatic vehicle does it all for you, and you don’t have any control over when the gears change. But when you do have control over the shifts, you can make sure that you are shifting at just the right time, to minimise wastage of fuel and make the whole process so much more efficient. If you are about to learn to drive, you should therefore learn manual. If you can only drive automatic, you might want to think about taking some manual driving lessons.

Try Not To Lose Momentum

One of the tricks to bear in mind as you drive in order not to use more fuel than necessary is to try not to lose momentum unless you absolutely have to. In other words, when you slow down and then accelerate again, that uses more fuel than simply going at a consistent speed. Of course, traffic conditions are going to affect this in a big way, so you need to make sure that you are anticipating what is going on in the road ahead, so that you can reduce the amount you have to slow down or brake. If you slow down naturally rather than coming to abrupt halts, you are going to use less fuel on the whole.

Check Your Tyre Pressure

You should be checking your tyre pressure on a regular basis for a number of reasons, the most important being the safety of the vehicle. But it’s also important for reasons of fuel-efficiency. If your tyres are not inflated to the correct pressure, that increases drag on the road, which in turn means that you have to use more fuel than you normally would. So, make sure that you are checking them regularly, and filling them up where necessary. Ideally, you should check them at least once a month if you drive every day.

Reduce Internal Friction

Anything you can do to make the car have less friction is going to mean that you are using less fuel. So, if you want to really take fuel economy seriously, you should also look into reducing internal friction in the car by reducing the number of moving parts. If you do that, you are going to use less fuel without even having to alter your driving behaviour.


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