5 Essential Food Supplements You Should Be Taking During the Winter Season

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

5 Essential Food Supplements You Should Be Taking During the Winter Season  

If you want to keep your body in good shape throughout the challenging winter months it is always worth looking out for healthy eating suggestions and ideas on sites such as Braceyourhealth, and learning about some key food supplements would also help. Here are five key supplements that need to be on your shopping list during the coldest and darkest months of the year.  

The most important supplement of all  

The lack of sunlight we all have to endure during winter can take a toll on your physical and mental wellbeing which is why you need to take action to counteract that problem. Vitamin D can be in short supply due to a lack of sunlight and this means your body produces less vitamin D during this period. A lack of this vital vitamin can have a detrimental impact on your bone and skin health, as well as affecting your mood, which is why vitamin D supplements are essential for the winter.  

Improve your immunity  

Your immune system can be more susceptible to attack during the winter months and if you want to boost your immune system as well as reduce the prospect of experiencing inflammation it would be a good idea to pack your diet with Omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish, avocados, and walnuts are just some of the foods rich in Omega-3 and supplements should help too. 

Keep bone problems at bay  

Bone density decreases as you age and if you are in the senior category you will be more likely to suffer a hip fracture or some sort of bone injury, especially when the weather is wild outside and conditions more dangerous. A good way of ensuring your bones are as strong as possible would be to take some calcium supplements. 

Enjoy restful sleep  

Everyone needs to enjoy a good sleep pattern in order to function properly and feel good, but this can be a challenge when the winter months can have a tendency to upset your body clock. A simple but effective solution to this issue would be to ensure that your daily zinc intake is at least 15mg per day. You can reach this target with a zinc supplement and if you pack your diet with nuts and seeds that would be a boost to your ability to enjoy a good night’s sleep.  

Improve heart function  

You obviously need to maintain a healthy heart and taking vitamin B supplements is a good choice in your efforts to keep your heart in good shape throughout the winter, and beyond. Vitamin B can also help to minimize tiredness and fatigue, which will have a positive influence on your levels of stress as it helps your brain to produce chemicals that help raise your mood level. 

 If you want to feel fresh, happy, and healthy throughout the challenging winter months you can achieve that aim by giving your body a helping hand with some valuable and essential supplements to see you through the dark nights and cold weather. 









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