7 Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Coffee

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Coffee has many health benefits – it’s rich in nutrients, it’s a natural source of energy and it can even help you to burn fat. However, like anything, it can be unhealthy in excess. Drinking too much coffee can cause high blood pressure and can put a massive strain on the heart. There are many other side effects too (some of which are detailed below). 

Just how much coffee is too much? Experts recommend never having more than 6 cups per day, however this depends very much on the strength. To determine whether or not you’re drinking too much coffee, consider whether you’ve noticed any of the following signs. 


Caffeine is a stimulant – it triggers the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) in order to make you feel more alert. While coffee is unlikely to be the root cause of anxiety, it can often lead people with anxiety to experience attacks. If you are trying to overcome social anxiety, PTSD or a phobia, it could be a wise idea to lay off the coffee.

The ‘jitters’

If you regularly experience the ‘jitters’, this could be another clear sign that you may want to cut down on coffee. This is an effect of consuming too much caffeine – causing your body to physically shake from the spike in adrenaline. You’re more likely to experience the jitters when drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Eating food with coffee therefore could be the solution to this. 


Coffee and lack of sleep can cause a vicious cycle. Many of us combat tiredness by drinking coffee throughout the day, but drinking too much coffee could then affect your ability to get to sleep at night causing you to be more tired the next day. To reduce the chance of caffeine-related insomnia, avoid having a cup of coffee within four hours of going to bed (if you’re up late doing work, a cup of coffee may not be the best solution). 


Coffee can trigger mild headaches and even severe migraines for some people. Many people get headaches as a withdrawal symptom (which could be a clear sign that you’re drinking too much). For others, it can be a result of dehydration (coffee often makes people urinate more frequently). Make sure that you’re drinking enough water throughout the day and that you’re not just drinking coffee. 


Drinking more than three cups of coffee per day can cause some people to develop diarrhoea. This is because excess amounts of caffeine can have laxative side effects. If you regularly experience the runs, it could be time to cut down. 

Stained teeth

Coffee contains tannins which can cause teeth to turn a browny yellow color. There are many ways to combat coffee stains from using whitening toothpaste to trying temporary veneers. Cutting down on coffee could help to prevent further staining. 

Coffee breath

Some people develop foul-smelling coffee breath when drinking lots of coffee. This is usually the result of drinking too much coffee and not enough water – coffee is a diuretic and has dehydrating qualities, causing a dry mouth. When we have a dry mouth, bacteria is more likely to thrive in our mouth, which leads to bad breath. Drink more water and less coffee and you could beat the bad breath. 


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