New Year = New You?

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

By now, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘New Year, New Me’, thousands of times in 2021 alone. At the start of the year, it becomes something of a mantra that we all recite to ourselves each day. It acts as a challenge and gives us something to strive towards – no matter what your vision of a ‘new you’ entails. However, more often than not, we abandon our resolutions within a few weeks – perhaps because they are too difficult, or because we simply lose interest. 

However, one thing is clear. Changing your lifestyle and finding a new version of yourself requires more work than a simple resolution. You need to set yourself a clear goal and commit to it each day. Though it takes a lot of hard work, it is not impossible. You just need to break each goal down into a smaller goal and roll them out throughout the year. Here are some great examples! 

Shake up your style. 

When shopping for clothes, we tend to stick to something familiar. For example, you may know that black looks particularly good on you, so you will only buy dark shades. As a result, stepping out of your comfort zone can be particularly difficult – especially if you feel as though a new style will not suit you. However, trying something new could provide you with a much-needed confidence boost, and allow you to realize that you can rock any outfit you want to wear! 

As a result, giving your wardrobe a shake up can help you uncover the ‘new you’. The one that loves wearing bright colours or bold prints. The one who can throw away the old jumper in favour of a stunning blouse. Start by introducing small changes to make yourself feel more comfortable. For example, buy one bright item of clothing, and wear it once a week, pairing it with clothes you already own. 

Style can also exist beyond your wardrobe – so be sure to get your hands of plenty of accessories too. For example, if you’ve always wanted a piercing but have been too afraid – now is the time for you to think about buying a lip ring. Not only will it look great, it’s sure to bring a smile to your face too! 

Commit to an exercise plan 

Another way you can ‘discover’ a new version of yourself this year is by committing to working out. This does not mean that you participate in a few exercise sessions before deciding that you are too busy, or that it isn’t right for you. You need to remain focused and hold yourself accountable. You can do this by working out with one of your friends – that way, you can both motivate each other when it gets tricky. 

When it comes to exercising, start small. Don’t overexert yourself in the first session, as this can result in injury that will only set you further back. Begin by working a few times a week, and gradually increasing the intensity of the exercise. Track your progress, as this is a great way to keep you motivated and excited about what you are doing.  


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