Car Insurance Premiums Keep Rising? Here’s How To Fight Back

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Car insurance companies are naughty. The initial quote you get is usually very reasonable. The price of insurance is just a few dollars every month. But then, as the years go by and your no-claims bonus goes up, the amount they ask you to pay continues increasing exponentially. Eventually, you get to the stage where the figures are just ridiculous. In this post, we take a look at how you can get your car insurance premiums down and reduce the overall cost of motoring. 

Take A Defensive Driving Course

Taking a defensive driving course is a great way to get your insurance premiums down. Why? Well, for one, it’s a lot of fun. You learn a huge amount about your vehicle, the risks involved in motoring, and your own behavior on the road. But defensive driving courses are also beneficial for another reason: they convince insurers that you’re a safe road user. And that could lead to lower premiums. What’s interesting is that just going on a course can indicate you’re a safe driver. Generally, people who want to drive safely do so. So any learning on the course is just a bonus from the perspective of insurers. 

Get Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage sounds more expensive than the bare minimum. However, in some cases, it can actually work out cheaper? Why? Well, it all comes down to what it says about you as a person. People who just want the bare minimum are usually short on cash or have risk-loving personality types. They just don’t see the point of getting cover that they don’t want or need. That signal itself, though, is something insurance companies pick up on. And it can lead to higher premiums in the long-run. 

Prove You Weren’t At Fault

Insurance companies will usually ratchet up your premiums after an accident, whether it was your fault or not. But if you’ve been injured, this just adds insult to injury. That’s why many drivers go to local car accident attorneys. They are a way to legally demonstrate that the other party was culpable. This then provides important evidence that the situation was genuinely outside of your control, and that you don’t present a risk to drivers. 

Get A Smaller Car

Large cars are a lot of fun and provide ample space for you and your passengers. But they’re also considerably more costly to insure. Why? Well, usually it’s because they’re heavier, larger, and more prone to serious accidents. If you’re looking to cut costs, try a hybrid car or a small hatchback. Costs may come down by as much as 40 percent. 

Increase Your Deductible

The deductible on your insurance is a fixed fee you have to pay to get access to your cover in the event you need it. Usually, insurers set this around $750. But if you increase it, you can lower your monthly premiums. Please note, though, that increasing the deductible means that you’ll have to pay more to claim. But if you think the risk is low, that alone can cut your bills.


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