Critical Skin Care Tips for Face Mask Wearing

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Green Supply article for February:

Critical Skin Care Tips for Face Mask Wearing

The pandemic has brought with it many changes in human habits — the way we dress, wash our hands, socialize, even the way we work. Perhaps the most notable, though, is the requirement of face masks in public places. Though this measure keeps us safe by reducing the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus from person to person, it is not without side effects. Certain masks can cause skin irritation, acne and other epidermis issues in both adults and children. To combat this, here is a guide for how to take care of your facial skin and avoid skin complications during the age of the coronavirus.

The When

In April 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued the recommendation that all individuals over two years-old wear masks for the duration of time spent in any public setting in order to slow the transfer rate of COVID-19. As the recommendation now persists approaching the one-year mark, those who remain vigilant are discovering the irritation and discomfort that comes with being safe and prolonged mask wear. 

The Why

Proper masks seal along the nose and mouth to minimize the transfer of bacteria, and it is this exact feature that causes damage to the skin. The sealed area experiences an increase in moisture that is harmless in small durations, but when a mask is worn for hours at a time, that moisture can irritate the chin, cheeks and bridge of the nose sometimes resulting in breakouts.

The How

With the CDC’s declaration still in effect and complications from mask wear continuing to plague mask-wearers, here’s how you can battle the effects a mask has on your skin.


The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends the first step be daily washing and moisturizing the face. When washing, choose a fragrance-free, non-comedogenic cleanser that is mild and pH balanced. This will take care of any dirt, make-up and bacteria on your skin. Use water that is neither too hot nor too cold — a lukewarm temperature is ideal. After rinsing skin sufficiently to rid of any residual cleanser, pat dry your face well. Do not rub.


Follow washing with a non-clogging moisturizer that contains ceramides, hyaluronic acid and dimethicone; the first two balance the skin while the latter helps to generate a barrier between skin and mask that can minimize irritation to the skin. 

Wear the right mask

Though washing and moisturizing your face are extremely important factors in caring for your skin during the pandemic, the kind of mask you wear is equally important. Masks made from cotton are milder and lack the irritants that masks made from other materials can include. Of the cotton variety, two are widely considered most effective:

  • The coveted N95 respirator masks are crucial, but are typically reserved for health care workers and not always easy to obtain.  
  • The KN95 masks are deemed as “appropriate for most people” according to the CDC due to the fabric, filtration effectiveness and fit, and stores like Green Supply even make kids’ KN95 masks

Though the age of the coronavirus has demanded many changes and sacrifices, you don’t have to sacrifice the health of your skin while being compliant with the facial mask directive. By washing properly, moisturizing well and wearing the right masks, both you and your skin will survive the pandemic.


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