How to Keep Your Pet Safe at Home 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

How to Keep Your Pet Safe at Home 

If you have nothing but love for your pet, you will want to make sure it is safe and sound when it is at home, especially when you are not around. As a pet owner, it is your duty to ensure your furry companion is comfortable and secure at all times. Here are a few practical ways to help you prioritize your pet’s safety. 

Be Wary of Toxic Plants 

What you may find pleasant might be incredibly toxic to your pet. For example, lilies, daffodils, and daisies may bring a smile to your face, but they can be fatal to animals—especially if ingested. To prevent accidents, do your research on what your pet can tolerate before displaying flowers and houseplants in the home. 

Automatic Sliding Door 

Relieve anxiety and reduce stress by giving your four-legged friend the option to autonomously go outdoors. An automatic pet door system from Evo Products can be fitted directly onto your existing sliding glass door and allows your pet freeroaming access at all times. The wireless sensor activation means that only your pet will be allowed into the home. It also means that you will no longer be required to get up in the middle of the night to let your pet out when nature calls. 

Keep your Garden Secure  

If you are going to install an automatic sliding door or let your furry friend out often without supervision, you must make sure that your garden is kept secure at all times. Ensure that the fencing is sturdy and pets like dogs are unable to dig beneath and escape. If you have cats, and they aren’t indoor pets, then make sure they are chipped or have a collar so that you can find them even when they aren’t at home.  

Put Away Potential Hazards 

Most household pets cannot tell the difference between various substances, which is why it is imperative that you put away any potential hazards. This could be the chemicals you use to clean the bathroom or medication meant for human consumption. Make sure they are in a safe place and out of reach of pets, bearing in mind that some determined pets can make their way into cupboards and open doors. 

Install a Smart Smoke Detector 

It can always be a worry when you have to leave your pet home alone, and the worstcase scenarios can often race through your mind. A smart smoke detector can eliminate at least one of these scenarios. They monitor your home and send you smoke detection notifications when smoke is detected. They are a fantastic piece of preventive tech that can give you peace of mind. 

Put Down a Cooling Mat 

When we get hot, we can take off an extra layer or turn on the AC. Unfortunately, our furry friends do not have this luxury, nor can they tell us when they are uncomfortable. To make sure your pet stays comfortable, place a cooling mat in a shaded place so that your pet can lay on it if they need to. 

Offer Constant Access to Fresh Water 

Offering a constant water source for your pet is another way to prevent them from overheating. However, it is also equally important to make sure the water is refreshed at least once a dayUse a traditional water bowl and have several throughout the house to ensure they always have access or, better yet, get an automatic water dispenser 


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