Room-by Room Safety Tips

All opinions are mine and mine alone,


Room-by Room Safety Tips You Must Consider To Make Your House Baby Proofing   

Everyone in this world loves to decorate their house and do plenty of research on how to make it more attractive and pleasing because it is the place where you spend most of your time. From the living room to the kitchen, every tile to every crockery and the corner decoration with flowers, every area we cover but do we consider how to babyproof it at that time? Most of us forget to do it. Well, it’s completely fine, as all of us do the same thing until we receive that good news. Right?   

Thus, to make it easier for you we have jotted down safety tips that you need to consider when you have a baby at home. Not only this but we have even divided it room by room just for your convenience.  

Child’s Room 

First and foremost, how can you make the room of your kids safe? Follow these simple changes and you can easily turn their room into a baby-safe zone.  

Ensure that the crib you choose or place in the room has the most firm mattress and doesn’t contain any corner posts or decorative cutouts.  

As we all are very much fascinated with the soft stuffed toys and feel that they can be a great companion for babies. They will talk with them and will smile with them, but that’s not the case when your kid is between 4-6 months. They can suffocate them, so it’s better you put them out of the crib and add fluffy comforters and pillows.  

Ensure that the changing table of your baby has raised sides and a restraining strap. Make sure when your baby is old enough to stand, then remove all the toys and bumper pads, as they will help them to climb out of the crib. Make sure your baby’s changing table has three raised sides and a restraining strap. Don’t purchase a toy for your baby that has a heavy hinged lid, as it may fall on your kid when he/she tries to get it.  When a baby starts crawling or tries to walk, then there are chances that he/she may fall frequently. Thus, place a soft carpet in the room to avoid any sort of injury.  

Living Room  

To prevent injury place pads on the corner of the tables and edges.  

Make sure you use the extension cords and keep them behind the furniture that will make it out of reach for children.  If you have a fireplace in your living room then there will be a question hitting on your mind about how to baby proof fireplace. The easiest way is to switch it with an electric fireplace, as it has no real fire and is specially designed keeping in mind the safety of family members and kids.  If you have tall freestanding furniture like cabinets and bookcases then it’s better to use brackets to secure it to the wall. 


The drawers that have matches and sharp utensils, make sure you put latches on them so that it’s not that easy for your kids to open them.  

Place the knives and forks in the dishwasher in the points down and handles up position. Make sure all the kitchen appliances are unplugged when they are not in use.  Eradicate all the small refrigerator magnets that can easily get fit in the mouth of your children and cause choking. 

Final Words  

It’s the first responsibility of any parent to keep their kids safe and secure and as they spend their maximum time in the house, thus, meaning it babyproof becomes a mandate. Make sure you follow the tips mentioned above as they will help you a lot in the process.  





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