5 Tips for Bonding with Your Teen 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

5 Tips for Bonding with Your Teen 

Before having kids, you probably educated yourself on bonding with babies, toddlers, and young kids, but what about your teen? With the number of choices teens are faced with alongside the changes and mood swings of puberty, the teenage years can be the most tumultuous, and you may find you no longer have a starring role in their life. To help shift your relationship back to one of closeness, follow these five tips.  

1: Have More Conversations  

Talking to your teen is not always easy, especially when they give two-word replies or refuse to let you in on their personal life. That does not mean you should give up, though. Even spending some time telling them about your day is enough – it will encourage them to open up to you, too.  

Communication is also essential for understanding if anything is wrong. It is an unfortunate fact that teen depression has increased in recent years. While your teen might just be moody or hormonal, it does not hurt to keep an eye out for the signs. If you do suspect they are depressed, have a look at igniteteentreatment.com for mental health help for teens.  

2: Find a Mutual Hobby  

You might not be an avid reader of Manga or particularly interested in video games, but that does not mean there is not a hobby that both you and your teen will enjoy. It could be anything, from gardening to rock climbing – the important part is that you do it together. You should also make time to invest in their hobbies that do not include you, too, by watching their sports matches and complimenting their artwork.  

3: Start a Weekly Tradition  

Do you struggle to match your and your teen’s schedules? Make sure that you are both free at least one point during the week by starting traditions together. It does not have to be a big deal or take a lot of effort – a weekly walk to the park or a meal at the dinner table can be enough.   

4: Get to Know Their Friends  

Friends are incredibly important to teens. While you might not feel like you know their new friend Jessica well or that their old friend Jason can be a little rebellious, it is crucial to show your child that you appreciate every area of their life. Plus, trying to push a friend out of their life will only make them resent you. Instead, invite their friends around for dinner, ask about how they are doing, and invite them on trips away. Your teen will surely appreciate it!  

5: Teach Them New Skills  

One of the best ways to bond with your teen is to teach them something new. After all, you are the one who taught them to talk, walk, read, and say please and thank you! Many teens grow up without essential life skills, so take some time to teach them how to cook, how to separate washing, and the best ways to start a campfire. Not only will they develop new skills, but you will also form a stronger bond because of it. 


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