5 Meal Prep Ideas for a Healthy Lifestyle     

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

      5 Meal Prep Ideas for a Healthy Lifestyle            

Meal preparation is one of the best things you can do to remain consistent on a healthy lifestyle. Especially when you first start a healthy diet plan, cooking meals at the last minute can destroy your weight loss efforts.  Meal prep is definitely a game-changer for healthy eaters. Here are some effective meal prep ideas for anyone who is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.   

Simple Eating  

Simplify the meal prep process by making simple meals. It can be tempting to create fancy, gourmet dishes however, the easiest way to remain consistent with your healthy eating plan is to eat simple food. For example, make a simple pasta sauce and eat it with sweet jacket potatoes or brown rice pasta with a side salad. Alternate your carbs each day, this will make your meal preparation a whole lot easier.   

Just prepare your simple pasta sauce, and bake some potatoes. Boil the brown rice pasta each time you want to eat or cook two batches in advance as it doesn’t keep well in the refrigerator.  

 Prep Ingredients not Meals 

If you prefer variety and don’t want to be stuck eating one or two meals for the week. Prep your ingredients instead of preparing whole meals.   

For example, chop some onions, bell peppers and other veggies. You can also prepare your meat by seasoning it and placing it in a zip lock bag ready for when you need it. For example, if you want to make wagyu beef short ribs, prepare them by cleaning them, adding the seasoning of your choice and store them in the refrigerator ready for use.  

 Use Mason Jars 

Mason jars are great for preparing salads, and for storing chopped veggies. They usually come with a vacuum seal lid which prevents oxidation of produce, keeping your food fresher for longer.  

Make Overnight Oats  

If you like oats but don’t have time to prepare fresh oats every morning, try overnight oats. Add about one to two cups of oats to a mason jar. Cover with lukewarm water, cinnamon and sweetener if you wish and place in the refrigerator. The next morning add berries, nuts and other toppings according to your preference. You can also add some Greek yogurt to transform your breakfast into a delicious dessert.  

 Make Soups and Stews  

Soups and stews are the easiest and most versatile meals to prepare. You can make them in batches and store them in the freezer to save time and money. Make vegetable soups and chicken soups and stews, eat them with rice, bread, or pasta for a healthy and filling meal.   

Preparing your meals or ingredients in advance saves time and money, it also helps you to stay on track with your health regime. Often people fail on their healthy eating plans because they fail to plan. When there are no meals already prepped, the temptation to eat junk food and other unhealthy alternatives is high. Therefore, to avoid temptation, prep healthy snacks, meals and ingredients. You will not only improve your health but you will boost your bank balance at the same time.  


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