Top Ways to take Care of Your Skin this Summer 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Top Ways to take Care of Your Skin this Summer 

There’s no running away from the fact that summer takes a big toll on the skin every year. The rising humidity levels, scorching heat of the sun, and increasing pollution can all wipe off the natural glow from anyone’s face. However, if you take care of your skin with simple tips, you can easily restore its charm and look vibrant. In this feature, we will guide you through the easiest ways to take care of your skin this summer: 


The first and most important rule is to exfoliate your skin. If you don’t know, your body keeps shedding cells per second every day. So if you don’t wipe them off, your skin will look dull and greasy. No matter how much moisturizer or lotion you use, not wiping off the dead cells will put your skin at the receiving end of the damage.  Get a body scrub and go to the shower every day. If you don’t have hands-on experience of exfoliating, there is nothing to worry about. All you need to do is, use the scrub and gently massage your skin with it.

Drink Plenty of Water 

Now that summer is here, you need to go the extra mile with drinking water. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to stay hydrated and fresh. Bear in mind, around 60% of the human body is water, so you need to hydrate yourself well throughout the day. Secondly, when you stay hydrated, your body has a natural inclination towards fighting excess pollution out there. Water prevents aging and makes you look youthful for a long time.

Settle for Minimal Makeup 

In summers, minimal makeup is the best way for anyone to look fresh. Especially when you have to go out in the scorching heat of the intolerant sun, minimal makeup will prevent you from looking bizarre. Today, a lot of women are undergoing blepharoplasty but it is best if they embrace their authentic skin and acknowledge it when going out. Even if you want to experiment with a different look, we recommend you always have lipstick and mascara in your bag.

Summer Glow 

There are thousands of choices when you want some color on your skin. Here, a sunless tanner will help you achieve this goal without much effort, after all, laying out in the naked sun might give you severe skin burns. Even if you have never played with the sunless tanners, you can use them on your face without worrying about anything at all. Most facial tanners will not only give you some color but will also work as a perfect moisturizer.

Always Use a Lotion 

As a quick tip, it is recommended that you always have a summery lotion in your bag. Now is the time for you to get rid of the body butter for the night and buy something that works best for the summer. In simple words, you won’t have enough time for the lotion to get absorbed in your skin. Luckily, the gels can absorb fast, giving you a natural pinkish glow. Don’t forget to put on a lotion as soon as you come out of the shower.  



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