How To Add More Flavor To Your Chicken

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

On its own, chicken is pretty flavorless. This is ironic considering it’s probably the most popular meat in the world. Everyone seems to love chicken, and it’s on the menu everywhere. Why is this the case if it’s seemingly so bland? Well, chicken might not taste of much, but it absorbs flavors very well. If you know how to season or cook your chicken, it can be incredibly flavorsome. 

Want to know how to do this? Here are some simple and effective ways of adding more flavor to your chicken:

Season your chicken

Regardless of what you’re cooking, always season your chicken with spices before you cook it. This doesn’t mean adding boring salt and pepper, it means adding some actual seasoning to impart flavor! Paprika works well with chicken, as does sage, onion and garlic, and many more. You can even buy chicken seasoning, which is a combination of spices that work very well with this meat. 

Marinade overnight

Marinating your chicken is arguably the most effective way of adding loads of flavor to it. Effectively, you cover your chicken in a marinade, then leave it overnight. The flavors all seep into the meat, making it so juicy and delicious. Cook it however you want, and you’ll have one of the best chicken dinners you’ve ever tried!

Smoke it

You really can’t beat the lovely smokey flavor sometimes. It feels like everything tastes better when it’s smoked; smoked cheese, smokey bacon, and smoked chicken! Adding the smokey flavor to chicken just adds a new layer to how it tastes. You can smoke your chicken in a few ways, the most popular of which is to use a grill. However, you can smoke chicken in the oven, and there are even devices to buy that let you add the smokiness after. 

Don’t overcook your chicken

The final tip is one that so many of us could use help with! There’s definitely a common tendency to overcook chicken, and it’s easy to see why. Chicken is known as one of the foods you can’t undercook as it can make you very sick. So, we get a bit scared and overcook it just to be sure. This tends to either dry out or burn the chicken, making it less tasty. Learn how to cook chicken perfectly every time, and you will find it so much tastier. This might mean investing in things like a meat thermometer, but it’s worth it. When you master the cooking times of chicken, your food will be chef-level quality. 

Check out the video above for a few tips and tricks on how to cook chicken and get it as juicy and flavorsome as possible. 

Plain chicken is one of the most boring things you can ever eat. The beauty of this bird is that it is a carrier of flavors – you just need to put them there. With things like marinades and seasoning, the opportunities are endless with chicken. Play around with so many different flavors and you’ll see just how delicious it can become. 


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