All opinions are mine and mine alone
If you’ve just bought a new car, chances are you have spent a considerable amount of your money on doing so. If that is the case, you are probably going to want to keep your car looking, feeling, and smelling as new as possible for as long as possible, not only so you can benefit from a more enjoyable ride, but also so you can retain more of its value.
With that in mind, here are some tips you can do to keep your car in near-mint condition for as long as possible:
Get a set of covers and carpets
If you want to maintain the integrity of the fabric on your car’s seats and flooring, then it is a really good idea to cover them up with removable covers and carpewts. These will help to protect the fabric in your vehicle, and since they can be easily removed, you can take them out and wash them every week to maintain that fresh new car smell.
Schedule regular car detailing
Having your car detailed at least once a month, including a full body wash and wax, is going to have your car looking pristine come what may. If you cannot afford to hire a car detailer to do this for you, then invest in all of the tools. Like chamois leather and wax, that you will need to do it yourself and schedule a couple of hours once a month just to give your car some attention.
Regular servicing
If you want your car to run as well as it did the day you bought it, take it to the auto body repair shop for a regular service every 6-12 months and/or whenever you notice that there could be a problem, such as when your vehicle is making unusual sounds or pulling slightly to the left or whatever.
Make your own car freshener
Commercially bought car fresheners are often not the nicest smelling things in the world. Make your own car fresheners by mixing five tablespoons of distilled water with 2 tablespoons of vodka and 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Spray liberally on the fabric and into the air inside your car, for a vehicle that smells fresher than any other.
Fit door trims
Fitting door trims is sensible if you want to avoid those little scrapes and bumps that you often get when you have to edge into a small parking space. They will prevent the metal of your car from being damaged, and should you decide to sell. You can simply remove them for a pristine vehicle!
Retract your wing mirrors
Wing mirrors are often the most commonly damaged part of a car because they stick out, so be sure to always fold yours in when parking. Many cars now automatically retract the wing mirrors, but if yours does not, be sure to do it manually and protect your vehicle.
Keeping your car looking as good as new can be tricky, but as you can see, it is not impossible.

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