9 Ways to Invest in a Greener Office

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

As more organizations take the initiative to create a greener workplace, don’t be left behind. The benefits are many, including reduced energy consumption, a healthier environment, and a better bottom line.Here are nine tips that will help you walk the path towards building and maintaining a more sustainable workplace:

Recycle and Reuse

Invest in recycling and reuse different products keeping the environment clean and litter-free. Promoting products made from recycled materials or minimal packaging will help keep more waste out of landfills.Recycling paper and other waste products will keep them from ending up in the environment. Metal recycling can help create new products, reducing your dependence on foreign resources.To truly invest in a greener office, change the way you think about waste. It will not happen overnight, but by investing time and money into sustainable practices, you can make great strides towards being more green.

Conduct an Energy Audit

One of the best ways to get started is to conduct an energy audit of your current office space and equipment usage. It gives you a baseline for measuring future improvements.

Choose Energy Efficient Lighting

Energy-efficient lighting is available in a wide variety of options, from LED, T5 fluorescent, and halogen. Find the most efficient solution for each area of your office.

Invest in High-Efficiency Equipment

The average lifespan of computer monitors is only about 4-8 years. The older an appliance is, the more energy it will use. Find out what your company currently uses, and then evaluate whether it is time for an upgrade.

Practice Energy Conservation in Your Office

Some ways to go green in your daily routine include taking the stairs instead of the elevator or using refillable water bottles instead of disposable cups. Other simple steps include turning off lights and computers when you leave your office or unplugging equipment when it is not in use.

Go Solar

Many companies have taken great strides to increase the amount of renewable energy that they use. They’ve installed solar panels on their rooftops and even electric-vehicle charging stations. The steps have led to significant savings and a cleaner environment. 

Take Advantage of Advancements in Technology

Technology has many eco-friendly options to offer. You can use paperless email and other forms of digital communication, reducing both printing and shipping costs. You can also set up motion sensors that will turn off lights when a space is unoccupied. With proper care, technology can last longer and cut down on the need for constant upgrades

Invest in Sustainable Materials

Organic cotton is more sustainable than other fabrics because it requires less energy to produce and does not release greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. Other sustainable materials include soy and bamboo, which can be used to make everything from clothing to furniture. 

Partner with Community Organizations

Sometimes the quickest solutions are the ones that you already have access to. Partnering with organizations in your community, such as a local music store, to give away used instruments can help your business divert valuable resources from ending up in a landfill. Companies that have chosen to go green have seen significant benefits and savings on energy costs and waste reduction.

By choosing greener products and services, you can easily invest in a green office while saving money and doing your part to preserve the earth’s resources for future generations.


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