How To Deal With A Past Relationship Trauma And Move On? 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

How To Deal With A Past Relationship Trauma And Move On? 

Relationships are beautiful yet complicated. They are beautiful when they are present and real. But they become complex when they become past. No matter how strong a person is, everyone takes time to let go of the past and move on. Some people take truly little time dealing with past relationship trauma, while the others take longer. 

Therefore, if you are in the same situation, you will know the right things to do right now. However, when letting go is unavoidable, we need to find ways to address the haunting effect of a past relationship. This article will help you know how people who managed to overcome their past relationship trauma could do that. 

How To Forget The Past And Move Forward? 

Same life experiences can impact different people differently. As we said earlier, some people find it easy to move on after a bad relationship. In contrast, others have a lasting impact on their mental health. People who find it hard to let go of the past are probably those who have experienced trauma. Trauma is a mental wound caused by any painful experience such as humiliation, abuse, danger, or loss. 

We have also seen people dealing with trauma have had experienced violent events such as domestic violence. However, the following steps may help people to begin to move on from past relationship memories. 

Make A Strong Commitment Of Moving On 

Remember, where there is a will, there is a way. Thus, to get rid of your past relationship trauma, you need to have a solid commitment. You need to make your mind that this is the right time to move on. The first step of moving forward is to realize that this is necessary for your mental and physical health, and you also need to make up your mind that you are ready to do so. This strong commitment may occur at different times for different people. But once you have made this decision, it will empower you. 

Don’t Suppress Your Feelings. 

While moving on, it is not necessary to force yourself to feel butterflies inside your stomach. Sometimes the memories from your past relationship can bring you strong emotions. If you try to suppress those feelings, you will end up hurting yourself more. Always allow yourself to feel those feelings entirely and make your mind believe that those are just feelings, and they will pass. When you allow your emotions to pass without trying to fix them, you process them better. 

If you feel like expressing your feelings in some safe places, such as writing in a journal or sharing with a trusted friend, you can go ahead and do so. 

Practice Mindfulness 

Mindfulness helps us to stay in the present. It encourages people to let go of the past and live in the moment. People who are suffering from past relationship trauma must consider practicing mindfulness to become more compassionate toward themselves. The best ways to practice mindfulness include: 

  • Creating a self-inventory mentioning all your traits 
  • Noticing small details such as the taste of a food or the soothing vibe of the cold air 
  • Spending time with yourself, sitting in the middle of nature, and paying attention to the environment 
  • Engaging yourself in mindful activities such as playing musical instruments and painting 
  • Practicing mindfulness meditation 


I know it’s hard to let go of a past relationship when we had a deep attachment with the person. In addition to other tips we mentioned above, you can take additional steps such as spending time in your personal growth, focusing upon that possibility is outside the relationship, setting up a few boundaries and respecting them, temporarily limiting contact with certain people, and permanently restrict your connection with your ex-partner. 

When you start thinking about the positive aspects of moving on, it will minimize the feelings of loss. We hope you will deal with this situation effectively. Stay happy, stay healthy. 



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