This Is How To Get Younger Looking Skin, Without Surgery!

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with having surgery to enhance the look of your skin. However, for many, it’s too expensive or too drastic a practice to consider. The good news is there is plenty of alternative skin-boosting options to try instead. Keep reading to find out what they are. 


One of the most popular non-surgical treatments right now is micro-needling. This is when small needles are inserted into the deeper levels of the skin on the face and neck. The purpose of this treatment is two-fold. Firstly the tiny holes that the needle makes stimulate the skin to create more collagen and so repair the areas around it. Additionally, the channels created also allow any products better access to deeper layers of the skin, and so helps them be more effective. 

If you want to get micro-needling done, it’s best to go and visit your cosmetic dermatologist. Although you can get a similar if slightly less noticeable effect by using a derma roller at home. Of course, if you choose the latter option, you must make sure that you carefully clean both the roller before and after use. 

Vitamin A 

Also known as retinol, vitamin A can work wonders for your skin. Retinol works by encouraging new cell growth in the skin, so it’s best to use it as part of your skincare at night. However, it is important to start slowly with Retinol as it is so effective and powerful that the user needs to be built up over time to avoid any adverse reactions. 

Of course, making sure you choose the right retinol brand is vital as well, and lots of people use beloved sellers like looking for over-the-counter cruelty-free, vegan, clean beauty retinol. Although, it is also worth noting that there are persecution-strength retinoids available from your dermatologist in some specific cases. 

Remember too, that while Retinol can be very effective when it comes to skincare, it also takes a while for the results to show, so be sure to keep up use for 2.5-3 months to get a more accurate picture. 

Radiofrequency skin tightening 

Not one that can currently be done in the home, radiofrequency skin tightening can be incredibly effective. It’s non-invasive as well, as it uses RFs to heat deep layers of the skin, stimulating new growth. 


Last of all, if you want younger-looking skin, without surgery, makeup can make all the difference. Of course, it has to be the right type of makeup for your skin and applied accurately for the best results. 

For example, opt for silicon, or cream-based products like foundations, blushers, and eyeshadows, as these are more easily absorbed by the skin, and won’t crease up and leave unsightly lines. 

Also, be sure, to begin with, a primer as this will help fill in and smooth out any imperfections before you begin. Lastly, use some clever tricks to help recreate the image of youth, such as filling in your brows to make them fuller or overlining your lips to get the perfect youthful pout! 


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