Camping Can Be Intense! Beware These Possible Dangers

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Is camping dangerous? Surely the only real danger is your tent collapsing in on you because you forgot to nail in the tent pegs correctly! Well, that is one possible danger, although hardly life-threatening. There are other potential dangers and these could cause significant harm if you don’t consider the possibility of trouble. So, if you’re currently planning a camping trip, educate yourself on the dangers that are best avoided. These include the following. 


Should the weather turn wet and cold, this can become an issue if your body temperature drops because of a lack of warmth. It can be life-threatening, especially if you are far from any emergency services. To protect yourself, you should bring changes of warm clothing, warm bedding, and the best backpacking fire starter you can find. Staying warm is your best form of defense so don’t head out in your t-shirt and gym shorts!

Fire hazards

We have just recommended building a fire to you, as this can be essential in the cold. It’s also ideals for cooking and toasting marshmallows too! Still, you need to property build and guard your fire, as one loose spark could cause your tent to catch on fire, and it could cause a fire in nearby woodland too. Check out these campfire safety tips for some good advice, purchase a non-flammable tent, and practice building a fire in a safe area before your camping trip begins. 

 Getting lost

If you’re camping in an area that is well-signposted, then fine. Your chances of getting lost are slim, especially if you don’t venture far from your campground. But if you’re planning to hike in the wilderness, the chances of getting lost could be quite high. Therefore, do what you can to prepare yourself. Learn how to read a map and follow a compass as these are essential skills that can be practiced before you go away. 

Of course, you might assume you don’t need these skills, especially if you have a GPS app on your phone. However, your phone could lose signal or charge and it could get damaged, so it’s better to know a few navigational skills, just in case. 


Unfortunately, there are all kinds of ways you can get poisoned when camping. You could eat a berry that isn’t safe for human consumption. You could touch a toxic plant. You could give yourself food poisoning by not cooking meat properly. And if you’re camping in a place where snakes are likely, you could also be the victim of a snakebite. 

Take precautions before you leave on your trip. Educate yourself on berries and plants so you know where dangers lie. Make sure you know how to cook meat outdoors. Try to avoid snake areas when choosing where to camp and hike. And in the event that something does happen to you, make sure you have the contact number for the nearest emergency services. These steps could save your life. 


Lots of people die by taking selfies of themselves on cliff edges and other places where falls are likely, as they can quickly lose balance when neglecting their safety for the sake of the perfect shot. Don’t be one of those people! Always stand in safe places for selfie shots and do the same when photographing birds, wildlife, and areas of outstanding beauty.

Of course, we aren’t only talking about falling off cliff edges here. If you’re hiking up slopes, you could trip and fall and cause yourself an injury. Wearing the right footwear is a must, as is knowing a few first aid skills in the event you sprain or break something when climbing. 


If your only aim is to relax while you’re away, this probably won’t apply to you. You are unlikely to exhaust yourself when laying in your tent or when dipping your toes into a nearby stream. But if you are planning to go on a long hike or climb a mountain, exhaustion can be a real possibility. 

If you are planning on a long walk, build yourself up to it before your trip, with shorter walks near to where you live. This way, you will have more stamina to exert yourself. This is better than attempting a hike your body can’t cope with, as you could collapse and do yourself an injury if you haven’t exercised properly. 

Tent mishaps aside, these are some of the dangers worth knowing about. Take all necessary precautions to protect your wellbeing as by doing so, your camping trip should be fun and not life-threatening!


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