Home Improvement Projects: When to DIY & When to Call a Professional

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Home Improvement Projects: When to DIY & When to Call a Professional

Some home improvement projects can be intimidating. It can be hard to know when to take on the project yourself or when you should call the pros, but with the countless online resources we have at our fingertips, you can probably take on more than you think. 

That’s one of the reasons that an increasing number of homeowners have been tackling their own home improvement projects, although COVID-19 played a big part over the last two years with people left with a lot of time on their hands. In fact, the latest research shows that “finally having the time for it” was the No. 1 reason for home improvement in the U.S.

At the same time, it’s important to take in multiple factors before making the decision whether to hire a pro or do it yourself.


Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects have become increasingly popular not only thanks to YouTube videos, but the many home improvement shows, Pinterest, and blog posts focused on the topic. Homeowners have so much information at their fingertips and are feeling more confident to conquer projects they would have normally hired professionals for. Doing it yourself is great if you have a smaller budget, have some experience or are generally a handy person and already own at least the basic tools.

Paint is usually the first project to take on as a DIY job as pretty much everyone can do it. If you only have one or two rooms, your kitchen cabinets, or another basic area to paint, you can probably handle the challenge. While the prep work takes time and requires patience, it will ensure a quality job.

Another project you can easily take on yourself is lighting. Installing new pendants, chandeliers, or recessed lighting is much simpler than you may think. Just be sure to take the necessary safety precautions, turn off the circuit breakers, and use an electrical or voltage tester before touching any wires.

Most importantly, before deciding to do a home project yourself, do your research. If you feel confident that you can do it and there aren’t major risks to your safety, give it a try. Generally, the worst thing that can happen is that you’ll have to hire a professional to finish the job for you.

Hire a Professional

Even if you feel confident working on a large-scale project, these are usually better left to the professionals. Homeowners that try renovating their own bathroom or another big task often find they can’t get it finished, or at least finished to their liking. If you’re hesitating due to the cost of hiring a pro, research home improvement financing options. You might be surprised at how low the interest rates are as well as how easy it is to get approved.

Another thing to consider is the tools that are needed to complete the job. You don’t want to purchase many expensive tools that will only be used one time. A landscape project often requires tractors and equipment to lift heavy materials. 

If you need your entire house painted (inside or out), hire someone to do it for you to ensure a professional-looking result that doesn’t require an excessive amount of your time. Plan on replacing or refinishing the floors on an entire level of your home or remodeling your kitchen? That calls for a contractor. You need someone who can manage the project for you and hire their own workers, especially if you already have a full-time job and other responsibilities.  


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