4 Ways To “Keep Your Wits About You” in This Modern World

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

When we’re thinking away in life, it can give us motivation and the ability to prepare for the future, but we’ve also got to remember that when we are constantly thinking away, it means we’re not focusing on the here and now. Being present or “in the moment” is crucial for your brain, but it also means you can keep your wits about you. It seems that more than ever we’ve got to be mentally sharp. But what can we do to help our brains? 

Use All of Your Senses

You might find that you are depriving certain senses when you are out and about, for example, if you listen to music or stare at your phone. But the fact is that in a world where we start to deprive our senses of what is going on can mean that we fall foul of certain accidents. For example, the number of people injured in hit and run accidents that didn’t react in time because they were distracted could have meant they would have escaped injury-free. It’s important that when learning how to focus, we use all of our senses because the more senses you use in learning something, the more you will actually retain the memory. 

Prioritize Your Brain Use

This is something that we can all benefit from because we’ve got so much that we need to remember. If you have a really busy lifestyle where you’ve got to keep tabs on every little thing you’ve got to start working smart. This means using more reminders and planners to keep the most routine information accessible. And if you are one of those people that constantly forgets where you put your keys, the solution is very simple: make sure you put the keys in the same place each and every time! As beneficial as it is to train our brains when we’ve got a lot to retain, we’ve got to make things easier. 

Remember Your Mindset

If you are someone who constantly forgets things, you may start to tell yourself that you are becoming forgetful. But people who believe they are not in control of their memory are less likely to work on improving their memory skills, meaning they are more prone to cognitive decline. Having that mental belief in yourself can make a big difference in how you perceive yourself. Because we have to remember that when we tell our brain something through positive self-talk, we are sending a clear-cut message that the brain needs to adapt in order to fulfill this function. 

Keep Learning

Some people think their learning stops as soon as they leave education, but when we need to keep our wits about us in the modern world we’ve got to remember that continually advancing in our education is going to strengthen the synapses and create new connections in our brain. Learning new skills and pursuing hobbies are all amazing ways to keep yourself sharp. It’s not simple to keep your wits about you when there’s just so much information vying for your attention. But there are many ways to do this; it’s just about ensuring you pick the right ones.


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