Eco-friendly living

All opinions are mine and mine alone.


Eco-friendly living: 8 changes you can implement around the home to help the environment 

As you are no doubt aware, our lifestyles can pose a hugely negative impact on the environment. We have become a disposable society that, if left unchanged, could eventually lead to the destruction of our beautiful planet and its species.  

Thankfully, there are loads of things you can do to make a difference. Some may take more getting used to than others, but even small changes make an impact, so do what you can, and our future generations will thank you for it.  

Here are 8 changes you can implement around the home to help the environment. 

Switch gadgets off once charged 

If you and your family have several phones, tablets, and other gadgets that regularly run out of power, pay attention to how frequently they are left to charge unnecessarily.  

Although it’s likely to use only a little electricity, over time, it mounts up, so switch sockets off and remove USB cables as soon as you are powered up. 

Use LED lightbulbs 

LED lightbulbs burn far less energy than standard ones, so if you haven’t already switched, it is worth doing so. Not only will you be helping the environment but you should also see a reduction in your bills.  

They are readily available nowadays and don’t cost much to buy, so, if your budget allows, switch your home to an LED alternative straight away.  

Take bags to the grocery store 

Plastic carrier bags are used and thrown away without much thought, which is why many countries are now making the customer pay each time they need one. Although this has reduced the problem drastically, we still need to play our part in eradicating this issue. 

Next time you go to the grocery store, take bags with you rather than buying or accepting new ones or leave a pile in the trunk of your car. They can be reused hundreds of times over, so there is no excuse. 

Switch your sandwich bags 

Sandwich bags are so convenient, but they aren’t doing the planet any favors, so, where possible, you should switch to more eco-friendly alternatives.  

Beeswax wraps are reusable and versatile or, if you enjoy batch cooking and like using sandwich bags to freeze meals, why not switch to compostable zipper bags instead? 

Stop buying pre-packaged fruit and vegetables 

Although certain types of fruit and veg such as berries or pomegranate seeds may need to be distributed and displayed in packaging, the vast majority of fruit and veg do not. Much of this is a supply and demand issue, and so the fewer people who buy it, the less of it will be produced. 

Another great alternative to buying packaged products is to find out if you have a local refill shop. Produce like beans, peas, lentils, and rice can be purchased loose rather than in plastic packaging. Just take containers or bags with you and buy what you need. It’s also a great way to reduce waste. 

Ditch the car 

One way to reduce your carbon footprint is to ditch the car and walk instead. It may, of course, not always be feasible, but if your daily commute or the school run can be done on foot, then it’s a great alternative. Walking is also great for your health, so you will be doing your body a favor too! 

If walking isn’t an option, why not look into car sharing or take the bus or other means of public transport instead. 

Buy a personal shopping trolley 

If you are visiting the grocery store but need to buy more than you can carry, a trolley shopper could be the ideal product to reduce unnecessary trips in the car. They used to be marketed towards little old ladies, but nowadays people of all ages are using them.  

They come in a wide range of colors and styles, so if you want to help the planet and start a new trend in your area, a wheeled trolley might be just the ticket!   

Don’t turn up the heat! 

If you typically switch on or turn up the heating when you feel cold, why not throw on an extra sweater instead? It will help to keep your energy consumption down and, given the price of fuel these days, you will save money on household expenses in the long run too.  

Some other great options to reduce energy consumption is to insulate your loft, use thermal lined curtains, and, the cheapest of all, keep warm by snuggling under a fluffy blanket! 



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