Heal Your Skin by Taking Care of Your Gut Health 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Heal Your Skin by Taking Care of Your Gut Health 

Experts around the world are of the opinion that the human body has a center or ringmaster which is responsible for the health of every organ of the body. This center or ringmaster is the digestive system. 

If you have been experiencing acne, blemishes, or any mild skin condition, chances are your gut health is not well. Small positive changes in your eating habits may bring out vast differences in your skin. We have come up with a list of things you can do to take care of your digestive health which will help you get to the fountain of youth that is clear, glowing skin.

Change Your Diet

To keep the perfect balance of healthy bacteria in your digestive system, you need to eat all groups of food. Include whole foods in your diet such as legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, meat etc. Cut down over-processed food such as junk food or fried food. Over-processed food disturbs the healthy balance of gut bacteria which shows on your skin in the form of acne and discoloration.

Take prebiotic & probiotic supplements

Prebiotics are forms of supplements that the human body cannot digest but act as support for the probiotics which are healthy gut bacteria promoting digestion. You can get prebiotic and probiotic supplements on cheaper prescriptions from Canada. These are available in all forms such as powder, liquid, or ground form. Taking these supplements in your diet regime helps you get clear skin. In addition to prebiotics and probiotics, ensure you’re getting your daily vitamins. You can get vitamins as over-the-counter supplements, through your diet, or by searching ‘IV vitamin therapy near me’ for in-home IV treatments.

Soak up the Sun

There is nothing better than getting treatment from nature. As much as you can take supplements to take care of your diet, go outside and soak up sunlight for 10 minutes. A regular dose of vitamin D will help your body clear out the toxins and function well. A healthy body shows on your skin. 

  Look for food intolerances

Food allergies and intolerances show up on your in the form of acne, blemishes, redness or swelling. If you don’t know you have intolerance to any kind of food you might be eating, consult a doctor and figure out which food allergy you might have. Once you figure it out, try to refrain from eating that thing. Most common allergies include intolerance to dairy such as cow milk, eggs, gluten, soy, and nuts.

Go green

The healthiest form of diet includes vegetables and fruits. Go for a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables. Try to minimize the consumption of red meat by taking it in limited quantities. Also, try to grow your own fruits and vegetables at home which will have fewer amounts of pesticides and chemicals as compared to the ones you buy from the market. Organic green vegetables will do your skin and gut better than anything.

Hydrate more

Our bodies depend heavily on water to survive. Each and every organ of the body needs water to function well, especially the skin. Develop a habit of drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day as it will help clear out the toxins from your gut and give you soft, supple, and glowy skin. 





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