Insanely Durable Off-road Vehicles That Will Probably Never Fail You

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Imagine if you could buy a car and never have it break down on you. It sounds like a pipe dream, but that’s precisely what many major carmakers promise to provide. Of course, they’re not zero maintenance – that’s impossible. But they will be a trusted friend over the years, so long as you follow the proper maintenance schedule

Check out our top picks for the most durable off-road vehicle below:

Jeep Wrangler

The name “Wrangler” tells you everything you need to know about this vehicle. It’s a fighter and was literally once used by the US army because it was so reliable and easy to maintain. 

What makes the Jeep Wrangler so special? It all comes back to its unapologetic simplicity. The reason why things so rarely go wrong with the vehicle is that designers have put it together in such a simple way. Even modern Wranglers are more like kit cars and less like production vehicles because of the simple chassis, and the fact that you can adjust practically any component at home with little more than a toolbox full of wrenches. 

Toyota Hilux

The British television series, Top Gear, hosted by Jeremy Clarkson made the Hilux famous in the mid-2000s for being perhaps the most indestructible vehicle on the market. Despite all the pain and torture, they put it through during a series of gruelling tests, the Japanese pickup continued driving. It was as if nothing could stop it, not even submerging it in the ocean or dropping it from a tall building. For a car like that, going off-road is trivial.

What makes the Hilux so popular? It’s a combination of its longevity and affordability. Many second-hand vehicles still sell for decent prices, even if they have more than 100,000 miles on the clock. What’s more, there’s plenty of space inside. Thanks to the spacious four-door cabin, you can haul the entire family around in the back. 

Volvo XC90

The Volvo XC90 doesn’t immediately strike you as a vehicle that is capable of withstanding enormous punishment. However, the model has now been around long enough for intrepid owners to put it through its paces and see what it is capable of. Yes, it’s a luxury vehicle. But unlike Maseratis or Ferraris, you can actually punish it. Underneath the sleek, stylish exterior is still a good old-fashioned Swedish grunt.

Of course, matters are helped enormously by the fact that the vehicle is packed with some of the latest technologies and features, including a potent 4-wheel-drive system and plenty of off-road computer-controlled support. 

Subaru Outback

A bit like the Toyota Hilux, the Subaru Outback is another vehicle known for its insane durability, even when taken off-road. Naturally, it’s a bit of a quirky vehicle, particularly older models. However, it makes up for that fact in terms of reliability. Subaru got everything right with this one. 

You can see from its design that it used to be a station wagon. The long wheelbase is a giveaway. However, this also works in drivers’ favor. On asphalt, it behaves very much like a normal vehicle, while off-road it is more like the Wrangler – rugged and determined. 

The ground clearance on the Subaru is a nice added bonus too, something that makes it distinctly more capable than many other vehicles on the market. You get around 9 inches under the chassis to play with, ideal for crossing streams and traversing escarpments. 

Ford F-150

The F-150 is fast becoming Ford’s most popular vehicle, particularly in North America. Celebrities absolutely love it, but why? It all comes down to the fact that the looks match the performance. It’s a seriously beefy vehicle offering loads of ground clearance and fantastic suspension. However, it also comes with a powerful engine, particularly if you go for the Raptor version, which adds some nice growl and extra performance. 

The cabin is spacious in the interior. However, because of its large size, it can be difficult to maneuver around cramped city streets.  How long can it last? Well, there are F-150s still going today that have more than 300,000 miles on the clock. Hence, nobody is quite sure how long you can keep one of these vehicles going, but the answer seems to be more than a decade.

If you take it over rough ground, you’ll need to provide it with proper tire care, something you can learn more about online. However, the rest of the vehicle will withstand practically any challenges you throw at it. It uses its hulking weight to soak up bumps and the drivetrain exudes typical Ford quality. 

Nissan Titan

Not to be left out of the space, Nissan’s Titan is another worthy entrant onto this list. When it comes to practicality, it isn’t quite in the same league as some of its rivals. However, when it comes to longevity, it can still compete. There are bashed-up versions of this vehicle with hundreds of thousands of miles on the clock, still in service today. 

Mitsubishi Pajero

Mitsubishi stopped production of the Pajero at the tail end of 2021 after more than forty years. In that time, it’s become a common sight on the road, and off it. The Pajero is a large SUV that provides a good driving position, providing an excellent view of the surrounding road. It comes with a high ground clearance which is great when driving over rough terrain and unpaved areas. 

Toyota 4Runner

If the Hilux isn’t for you, then you might want to check out the Toyota 4Runner. This impressive vehicle uses many of the same components as its larger rival, offering superb suspension and accurate steering. As a workhorse, it’s designed to be used in rough operating environments, including commercial settings. Therefore, these puppies can often keep operating for decades before finally packing up.

If you’re looking for a vehicle that offers luxuries, the 4 Runner probably isn’t for you. However, if you want something that can soak up whatever you do with it off-road, then it could be the vehicle for you. 


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