CBD Oil for Anxiety Disorder: How Does it Help? 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.


CBD Oil for Anxiety Disorder: How Does it Help?  

CBD is all the rage these days! Many have added CBD to their wellness routines, from athletes to medical experts. Widely recognized for its unique therapeutic properties, the chemical compound has the potential to manage a wide range of medical conditions, including anxiety.   

People use CBD products to get relief from different anxiety disorders, and guess what? They put in a good word for its effectiveness. Now, many people far from the world of cannabis still wonder how CBD oil works for anxiety. And is it even effective?  

In this article, we will be talking about all these things. Read on.   

What Is CBD?   

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of the many chemical entities found in the cannabis plant. It is generally extracted from hemp plants known for their higher CBD concentration and minimal THC content. You all know THC but in a more casual sense.   

THC is Tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, which is responsible for the ‘high’ feeling that people usually link with marijuana use. CBD has little to no psychoactive properties, unlike THC. Now, speaking specifically about CBD oil, it’s considered the most desired and effective way to get the medical benefits of CBD.    

How Does CBD Oil Help People With Anxiety Disorder?   

Anxiety is one of the most common forms of mental health disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. More than 41 % of U.S. adults suffer from at least one type of anxiety disorder. While there are many conventional methods for anxiety treatment, people have started using CBD oil to relieve anxiety symptoms, such as poor sleep, constant stress, restlessness, etc.   

Different types of CBD oils such as full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolates are available. Each provides the user with different effects. While you can get a dozen recommendations of good CBD brands online, experts suggest users go for brands like buy mellow for different types of CBD oil. Before buying oil, you should check the concentration of the cannabinoids and other essential factors in the oil.    

What Does Research Say?   

Many studies have been conducted on CBD oil for anxiety, and oftentimes, the results have favored CBD’s potential in managing the disorder. As per a 2015 review published on the official website of NCBI, CBD can be considered an effective treatment for the following conditions:  


  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)  
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)  
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)  
  • Panic Disorder  
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)  


Speaking of how CBD works in the body, it binds to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are present in the central nervous system of our body. These receptors influence different functions in the brain, such as pain, pleasure, behavior, etc. CBD interacts with these receptors to increase the secretion of serotonin, a happy chemical that makes a person feel relaxed and ecstatic.   

For instance, if a person has trouble sleeping, one of the most common symptoms of anxiety, CBD will work with the receptors to surge up the level of serotonin and other calming hormones in the brain. This will help the person to calm down and sleep peacefully.   

Final Thoughts  

CBD for anxiety is now becoming a common medical trend among Americans. Not only for anxiety management, but people now look up to CBD oil to enhance their overall well-being. CBD enjoys a legal status in most U.S. states, but one should use the compound responsibly. Though CBD is generally considered safe for consumption, you can consult your primary doctor about its use if you are still unsure about it.  



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