How To Get Your Husband Onto A Skincare Routine

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The perception that skincare is only for women has started to fade and there are now lots of male skincare bloggers out there to thank for this change. The skincare industry is still very gender-biased, and a significant percentage of the male population doesn’t take enough care of their skin. If your husband is refusing to give his skin the proper care that it deserves, then you can try some of these tips to help him to start taking care of his complexion and never stop. 

Start Slow

You might feel confident doing a complex, multi-step routine every night and want your husband to try all these immediately and fall in love with skincare in the same way that you did. Before you get excited, try to put yourself in his shoes. For someone whose skincare routine has only included splashing water onto his face or washing it in the shower with an all-in-one product, this kind of routine might be a bit overwhelming. Remember how you got started in skincare. It probably took you a while to learn, understand, and appreciate each product. He should be allowed to do the same. Start simple or with things he already knows, like beard care products from Johnny Slicks

Go Basic

A basic skincare routine that should be a non-negotiable for everyone is a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Choose a gentle cleanser, a lightweight moisturizer that can be used day or night, and a 50+ broad-spectrum SPF. 

There are lots of good moisturizers for every budget out there. Some come with SPF, but these are not generally recommended. This is because your husband will need a second nighttime moisturizer, which will complicate the routine, and to get enough sun protection, he would need to put on a lot of the moisturizer, which can make the skin feel very greasy. It’s better to start with three separate products. Two will be used at night and all three in the morning. 

Solve The Problem

Most men are rational, and they like a challenge, so start with highlighting a problem. Do you notice that he wakes up with dry, flaky skin? Does he have enlarged pores? Is he worried about acne or wrinkles? Tell him that, explain why this is a problem, and show him how to fix it. After you bring their attention to something that he might not have noticed before, he should be more willing to listen to you talk about skincare now he is interested in it. While you have his attention, you can explain the science behind the products you’re suggesting. Point out the main ingredients in the products and tell him why they are good solutions for his skin concerns. 

If you can frame the skincare talk as a solution to a problem that might be bothering him will also help your husband to become more aware of his skin issues. If he starts to notice them himself, he will be more motivated to continue with the simple routine when he starts to see an improvement. 


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