How to Make Your Home Sparkle This Spring  

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

How to Make Your Home Sparkle This Spring  

Spring is the season of renewal, and there’s no better way to mark this new beginning than to give your home an inviting, fresh look with a deep clean. A clean home is a welcoming and relaxing environment, so cleaning is not just about the look of your home but also your mental comfort. Whether you find cleaning rewarding or dread it, you may benefit from discovering a few critical tips.   

How to make your home sparkle this spring? Read on to find the answer.  

Make Sure Your Rugs Are Impeccable  

The first step towards a sparkling home is to give your rugs more attention than usual. Vacuuming is not enough to remove the layers of dust and grime that accumulate over time. Since rugs take up a lot of space, they attract attention. They are also where dirt, dust mites, pet hair, dead skin cells, insect feces, bacteria, and allergens hide. The result is faded colors and unpleasant odors.   

To give your home a fresh look this spring, leave area rug cleaning in the hands of experts. Cleaning professionals can safely remove stains, odors, and anything else clinging to the fibers of your rug.  

Focus on Light-Colored Surfaces  

Light colors such as white, pale blue, beige, yellow, or pink reflect the light that touches them. All pastel colors generally fall into this category. If light colors dominate your interiors, it’s vital to pay extra attention to light-colored surfaces when cleaning. Dust mites may not be visible, but they’re there. If you ignore these surfaces in the cleaning process, you will feel that something is amiss.  

When they’re dirty, light-colored surfaces develop a faded, dull look. Moreover, spots and stains are more visible on these surfaces than on darker ones. Pay extra attention to white or light-colored walls, curtains, sofas, or furniture. Avoid that yellow tint that makes things look aged.  

Give Attention to Hard-to-Reach Spots 

In every home, there are many spots hard to reach: chandeliers or other light fixtures, high ceilings, tight corners, or tall plants. Ignoring these hard-to-reach spots when cleaning will undermine your efforts to make your home sparkle. If a place is hard for you to reach, you can rest assured that dust mites will call that place home.  

Although it requires extra effort, reaching those inaccessible spots is worth your time. Pull out a sturdy stool, and use cleaning wipes or a small handheld vacuum cleaner to remove dust from all surfaces. Cleaning from top to bottom is the best approach. Once you’re done with the upper level, move your furniture to access the space beneath.   

Making your home sparkle is not easy because you have to clean every nook and cranny of the house. However, there are effective methods with long-lasting results. Start the spring season with a deep cleaning session, and you can enjoy a spotless home for months to come. If you feel overwhelmed, you can rely on professional cleaners for those stressful, heavy-duty tasks.  

  Follow our tips to have a rewarding cleaning experience.  


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