How To Save Time And Effort When You’re Trying To Eat Healthily

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Many of us have tried to change our diets, but we’ve fallen back into old habits due to a lack of time and energy. If you don’t have time to cook every day, or you find it hard to maintain motivation when following a healthy eating plan, here are some tips and tricks to save you time and effort.

Search for quick and easy recipes

The best way to save time when you’re trying to cook at home more frequently is to search for quick and easy recipes. You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen to rustle up a delicious, nutritious meal. There are hundreds of recipes out there for dishes you can create in less than an hour. Even if you only have 15 minutes free, you can make a healthy, tasty dish. Good examples include salads, fresh pasta, and omelets. Add sides or a dressing, sauce, or topping to enhance flavor. 

Look for dishes you can prepare in advance

If you have a hectic lifestyle or a packed schedule, it’s an excellent idea to try to plan ahead. Write down what you’re going to eat during the following week, add the ingredients to your shopping list, and try to prepare as much as possible in advance. If you’re taking lunch to work, for example, you can make a wrap, pasta or rice salad, a sandwich or some soup the night before. If you’re indulging in a weekend treat, give yourself a lie-in and try this French toast casserole you can prep overnight. Planning makes life less stressful and it can also help you to save money, especially if you’re usually a fan of takeouts or dining out if you’re tired at the end of the working day. 

Embrace batch cooking

Batch cooking can be a lifeline for busy people who want to eat well and enjoy homemade, tasty food. The idea is to make multiple portions of dishes, which you can then freeze. If you make a large pot of casserole or curry on a Sunday, for example, you can freeze individual portions and then take them out and defrost them later in the week ready to consume later in the day. You’ll have a nutritious meal with minimal effort. There are several dishes that are perfect for batch cooking, including chili, ratatouille, curries, casseroles, pasta dishes, homemade soups and stews.

Opt for one-pot recipes

If you don’t have the time or inclination to stand at the stove and monitor multiple pots, adding or turning ingredients every five minutes, one-pot recipes are a brilliant solution. With these recipes, you can place everything in a pan or a baking tray and leave it to cook. Traybakes are ideal for people who enjoy meat or fish and vegetables and one-pot stews and soups are perfect for the colder months when we tend to crave hearty dishes that are packed full of flavor and depth. 

Eating healthily isn’t always easy, especially if you’re always in a hurry or you have a busy schedule. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to save time and effort. Search for quick and easy recipes and dishes you can prepare in advance, plan your menu, batch cook, and look for one-pot recipes. 


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