The Best Car Seat Buying Guide for Moms: 5 Things to Look for 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The Best Car Seat Buying Guide for Moms: 5 Things to Look for 

Purchasing a car seat, whether it is your first or replacing an old one, can be a difficult task. There are so many different brands and models to choose from that the decision can be overwhelming. However, with the following information, you will have all of the knowledge you need to decide which car seat is best for both you and your child. 


One of the most important aspects of choosing the best car seat, such as nuna revv, is ensuring that it fits your child properly. When shopping, bring along a few measurements of your child to ensure that the seat is a good fit. Sizing includes more than just the height and weight of the child, though. Even if they fall within the manufacturer’s guidelines for height and weight, but their head extends over the top of the harness by more than an inch, they need to move up to a bigger size. 


You’ll probably be taking the infant-safety seat in and out of the car frequently, so look for one that’s lightweight. A carrier with a handle that can be adjusted for multiple positions is also nice, so you can carry your baby at a comfortable height. And consider how easy it will be to adjust the straps once your baby is in the seat. Some models are easier than others to tighten or loosen while your baby is strapped in. 

Expiry Date 

Most parents don’t realize that car seats have an expiration date, even though they use them daily. When you buy a new car seat, it will come with an expiration date. The manufacturer will also list this information on their website or in the manual that comes with the product. This is important because plastic begins to degrade from exposure to heat and sunlight, making it less effective at protecting children during accidents or other emergencies. 

Does it fit Your Child? 

Some seats have age or weight ranges, while others have height and weight limits. If you’re buying a convertible seat such as nuna revv or want to buy a seat that your child can use for years to come, it’s especially important to consider the upper limit of the height and weight restrictions. Infants and young children should be secured in a rear-facing car seat. They can then move into a forward-facing seat with a harness, and finally, they can use a booster seat until they’re big enough for the car’s seat belts to fit them properly. 

Does It Fit Your Lifestyle? 

If you will be traveling with your baby or toddler often or have one car where it will be installed, you could opt for a seat that takes up less room and is easier to carry around. If you have multiple cars, installing two seats could be quite cumbersome. In this case, you could opt for a seat that is easy to transfer from one car to another. 

Bottom Line 

In summary, car seats such as nuna revv are an important investment and something to spend time and money on. The safety they provide is invaluable, especially for smaller children. It’s crucial that you consider all the various factors before deciding on what seat best suits your child’s mobility and age. 


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